North Blackburn and Westbury Gardens

United Reformed Churches,

Community Ministry Project

Everyone Has Something To offer

Together We Can Make A Bigger Difference


INTRODUCTION: As promised, welcome to the first issue of TMAD News since Mal’s illness, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about his work as our community minister.


Since the last Newsletter as usual Mal has continued to support both churches in various ways particularly with the merger to form North Blackburn URC. He has also led worship on several occasions and represented the churches at various meetings both locally and regionally.

On 22nd June the first Prayer Breakfast was held in person since before Covid and 18 people attended.

He has continued to support the Memory Café and Lunch club as well as occasionally attending Tuesday @2.

On 29th June Mal and Lorraine led an ecumenical ‘New ways to pray event’ at St Jude’s CofE and Westbury Gardens. The event was also supported by St Paul’s Methodist Church as part of trying to re-establish ecumenical links in East Blackburn.

The Art and Craft group at Westbury Gardens on Monday mornings continues to go very well and it has in fact had several new members including 2 members with learning difficulties and their care workers.

On 14th July Mal led Café Style worship at Westbury Gardens on the theme of angels which was very successful and attracted some new people.

He has also regularly attended the Missional Partnership Morning Prayers on Zoom as well as attending the Bible Studies on Wednesday evenings He is currently leading the Bible Studies on the Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitudes).

As our community minister, Mal, is part of the Missional Partnership Steering Group,

from October the context of his is role will be changing as the Revidge Fold and Trinity churches have joined to become North Blackburn which means he now has two churches instead of three to work with, which will enable him to offer community support, where needed, and to lead worship when appropriate to the other 7 churches in the partnership, with his main priority still being with our two churches.



The annual ‘Pet Service’ will be taking place at Westbury Gardens on Sunday 11th August at 10.30am and you are all welcome to bring your pets for a blessing. This service is very enjoyable and usually well attended not just by church folk but also members of the community so, if you haven’t been to one before why not come along.


We will be running a three-day holiday club at Westbury Gardens from Tuesday 27th – Thursday 29Th August 1.00 pm – 3.00pm. This will be different to the holiday clubs we’ve run in the past as we are to run it ‘Messy Church’ style which means the parents are encouraged to stay and interact with their children. As a theme we will be exploring three miracles of Jesus, Changing Water into wine, Calming the storm and the healing of the paralysed man. However, we still need some volunteers to run the activities, help with the registration or help with the refreshments etc, so, if you could think about volunteering for some of it if you can’t make every day. If you can’t get involved at all, please pray that the event is a success.

Have a great summer (what’s left of it) whatever you do enjoy it.

To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.

Watch out for other activities in the notices.




Dear Friends,

This report briefly covers the work I’ve been involved in since June last year (without pictures) to coincide with what should’ve been pending Trinity’s Annual General Meeting. (It’s been a strange year to say the least).

During the year I continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and represented the pastorate (and Missional Partnership) at various meetings locally, regionally and nationally.

In August we held the Summer Holiday Club at Westbury Gardens on the theme ‘Going Bananas’ This was a fantastic success with 43 children turning up on the first day and we had to turn children away for the very first time. Those who came enjoyed games’ crafts, songs, Bible Stories exploring five different characters in the Bible who were affected through meeting Jesus and as always, we can’t forget the food. 25 different volunteers from all three churches and community helped on a rota basis to make it happen, so a great big thank you to everyone who helped, it was very much appreciated. This was followed on the Sunday by our annual pet blessing service which as usual was well attended.

The Memory Café received a grant of £1000 from Churches Together in Lancashire (in partnership with Lammack Methodist and St James Churches) with the aim of creating a wild garden, building three raised beds, bird boxes, a rockery, a bug house and a compost area in the grounds of Revidge Fold. Some work was started in preparation just before lockdown and some people have been busy weeding and planting seeds as social distancing has allowed.

In October/November we ran a ‘Christianity Explored Course’ which was very well attended and enjoyed by all who took part. And then Christmas was upon us and all the usual Carol, Christingle and Christmas Tree services took place and the Christmas Day Service took place at Trinity.

On 2nd January I started my Sabbatical exploring the books of the Apocrypha in the Old Testament during which I spent 5 days at Westminster College Cambridge (URC) in January and a week at the URC Keld Centre Manse in February during storm Ciara and the snow. Despite the weather we were only kept in on one day as the farmer hadn’t cleared the lane and we got some short walks in and the dogs enjoyed themselves too.

Little did I know at that point that there was a bigger storm on the way ‘Covid-19’ which arrived with still 3 weeks of my Sabbatical to go the other plans I’d made were kicked into touch. However, I was able to meet with a retired Professor from the Centre for Jewish Studies in Manchester which was a very interesting and valuable visit.

This also meant that all the services I’d planned for Easter couldn’t take place and so had to arrange for the services to be made available to people via email, distributed or posted out.

Then like many others I discovered the world of Zoommmm which has been a very steep learning curve for us all and as all the organisations, schools and agencies I work with all had to close down my role completely changed. I have also had to be careful about going out and meeting people only going out for shopping as Lorraine has been shielding.

As a result I have found myself running communion services, quiz nights, the Prayer Breakfasts, a songs of praise service, morning prayers and hosting Elders meetings and a Bible Study and being a Co-host to deliver a workshop on ‘Managing Memory Loss in Worship’ for the 5 URC Northerly Synods (Mersey, North Western, Yorkshire, Northern and Scottish Synod).

None of us know how long this situation is going to last but what it is clear is that my work in the community and church as we know it is going to look completely different by the time I write my annual report this time next year.

With these uncertain times ahead it’s important that we all keep our faith, keep in touch, pray hard and if possible find ways of joining in the Zoom activities which are on offer until the time when we can again meet together in our churches for worship and the various activities which we are greatly missing.

Keep well and keep safe,

Shalom my friends, Shalom.





June 2020

Dear Friends,

As you will all be aware I was on Sabbatical from 2nd January until 2nd April, however the plans I had for the last 3 weeks of it were affected by Covid19. Coupled with this Lorraine had to self isolate for a week due to having an asthma attack which meant I had to isolate for 2 weeks, and then as a vulnerable person due to her Asthma and diabetes under government guidelines has been shielding for the recommended 12 weeks.

Plans were in place on return from my Sabbatical for the Easter Holiday Club, a school assembly, Messy Church, lead worship on Palm Sunday, the Tenebrae Service on Maundy Thursday and the Good Friday Service all of which had to be cancelled along with all the other church activities due to lockdown.

I was also due to start two new projects involving two primary schools and older peoples groups and so a rethink was needed as to how I could support the churches as I would be unable to carry out any ‘Community Work’ as all the groups and agencies I’ve been working with also had to cease.

As I had prepared all the above services copies were distributed in various ways to ensure that you were able to take part in some way in your own home and the feedback has been very positive. Then following a conversation with Lorraine we thought it would be good to attempt an Easter Sunday Communion Service using Zoom so, on Palm Sunday we had a dry run with two friends which went well and so we sent invitations out to all three churches and 26 people responded and took part in the Easter Service which was great. I was then asked to repeat it in the afternoon for the Churches in Darwen and also involved a person from a Catholic Church

On Sunday (3rd May) I hosted another Zoom Communion which involved 60 plus people from across our Missional Partnership and some Methodist Churches in the local circuit. This was a fantastic experience and as a result I’m going to host another one on Pentecost Sunday. Another activity which had to be cancelled was the monthly Saturday prayer breakfast I lead and so, in April we held it via Zoom and Lorraine took the lead as she had prepared it while I was on Sabbatical, we also held the May one again using Zoom.

On Easter Sunday I also bit the bullet and made an Easter message YouTube video, something I’d never done before and as it was a success I’ve done a ‘Thought for the Week’ each week since, and by the time you read this I will also have run a Zoom Quiz and then around Pentecost I will be holding a ‘Zoom Virtual Prayer Walk’.

The last few weeks have been a steep learning curve for us all, I’ve certainly learnt new skills and have been able to pass some of these on to those who have taken part by encouraging them to get involved, some having little or no IT skills and so they have also learnt new skills and grown in confidence (I also put the last service onto a cd so it is available for those who are unable to or do not wish to use Zoom) so, you could say I have actually been doing some ‘Community Work’ all be it not in the churches or out in the community.

I believe all these activities have given all three churches an opportunity to share in fellowship and given some feeling of connectivity, togetherness and a sense of hope during isolation. We’ve also been able to hold Elders meetings via Zoom.

My support group met recently again via Zoom when we tried to work out the way forward and concluded that my work beyond lockdown is going to be very different and in the meantime felt that what I’ve been doing is an effective way to use my time to support the churches. The way we do things at the moment has obviously had to change but I hope it won’t be too much longer before we will be able to once again worship together and resume some of the activities which bring us together in fellowship.

If you would like to take part in any of the activities I’m arranging or would like help to set up Zoom, please get in touch and I’ll get back to you. In the meantime, keep well and keep safe.




INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the Twenty third issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our Community Minister.

Over the Summer 2019


As usual Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally.

MEMORY CAFÉ: It was reported in the last issue that the Memory Café had applied for a grant of £1000 from Churches Together in Lancashire with the aim of creating a wild garden, building three raised beds,

bird boxes, a rockery, a bug house and a compost area in the grounds of Revidge Fold. Well we’re pleased to report that they were successful and work to fulfil the aim will start shortly.

HOLIDAY CLUB: This was a fantastic success with 43 children turning up on the first day and we had to turn children away for the very first time.     During the week we had 55 children come along with an average of 30 each day for the rest of the week. Those who came enjoyed ‘Going Bananas’ and enjoyed games’ crafts, songs, Bible Stories exploring five different characters in the Bible who were affected through meeting Jesus and as always we can’t forget the food. 25 different volunteers from all three churches and community helped out on a rota basis to help make it happen, so a great big thank you to everyone who helped, it was very much appreciated.


PET SERVICE: This was also another success and was on the theme of Obedience focusing on Adam and Eve with new songs written by Eric Howarth organist at Revidge and a puppet Sketch by Mal and Lorraine. There were less people and pets this year due to holidays and illness but all who came enjoyed it very much.


CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED: Dates have now been set for this course which will be run by Mal and Elizabeth Bradley. It will be run on Wednesday evenings from 7.00pm – 9.00pm at Revidge Fold as follows…

23rd and 30th October, 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th November and 4th December.

It is designed for anyone who wants to discover what Christianity is all about, or who would like a refresher on the basics . Using Marks Gospel, it explores Jesus as He was and is, why He came, and what it means to follow Him.

Each session will be relaxed and informal, based around a DVD clip and a short Bible passage with plenty of time for discussion.

One Life

What’s it all about?

Also see poster available in each Church

To find out more or to book a place please contact Mal on 674862 or

Elizabeth Bradley on 665541

Watch out for other activities in the notices.



Dear friends,

Once again Lorraine and I are holding an open house party at the Manse on New Years Eve to which you are all invited from 7.30pm onwards, come when you can and leave when you need to. Join us for fun, food and     fellowship and help see in the New Hear.   All we ask is that you let us know you are coming for catering    purposes on 674862 or

[email protected]

We hope to see you there.

Mal and Lorraine.

December 18 – January 2019

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the  nineteenth issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our     Community Minister.


As usual Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and    represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally.

FOUR YEAR REVIEW: The review of Mal’s post took place in September, it was a positive experience, many thanks to all those who contributed to the discussions. As you’ll be aware the purpose of the review is to determine whether the post is continued for a further five years from November 2019, we will know in early February as to the outcome.

FLY TIPPING PROJECT: The next stage of the project is to work with as many organisation’s as possible including Schools, Housing Associations, Blackburn with Darwen Council, Residents

Associations, Community Centers,

Churches and Mosques to…

  • Create a set of posters with captions and leaflets which could be displayed in various venues across Blackburn
  • Explore places where the Fly Tipping Monster construction created by the schools can be displayed.
  • Prepare a questionnaire to ask people to share their views and then carry out a survey to help us identify what the issues/obstacles are, collate the results and identify further ways in which we can address the problem
  • Explore the possibility of creating several garden plots and other ideas near the Multi Games Area (MUGA) pitch adjacent to North Road as interim measure until such a time when something more permanent can be done with the land
  • Produce a resource pack mainly produced by children which will include; a set of posters highlighting dangers/issues of concern, a set of matching badges, a Logo window sticker, a CD of raps which will also be on the posters and an information/guidelines leaflet.


The next few weeks are going to be a very busy time with church activities, events and services during the build up to Christmas which include the following;

Christmas fairs/teas, Carol services, the Christingle Service at Revidge Fold, Christmas Tree Service at Westbury Gardens, and a Christmas Lights switch on with Carols on Romney Walk with the Romney Voice Residents Association.

This years Advent Bible Studies Led by Mal will take place on Wednesday  evenings 28th November and 5th, 12th, and 19th December, 7.30pm – 9.00pm at Revidge Fold. The theme of the studies is “Come and Worship” and uses the verses of that popular Christmas carol, ‘Angels, from the realms of glory’ and its invitation to ‘Come and worship Christ the new-born king’ to explore such themes as our understanding of angels, the role of the shepherd in the church, wisdom and what it means to be a saint. We can get over-familiar with our favourite hymns, carols and worship songs, to the point here we forget the real meaning of the words we are singing. So, it’s good to take time and look in a little more depth at the words we sing, and the picture they paint, relate them to Scripture and see where they might take us!

PRAYER BREAKFAST: The next monthly prayer breakfast will take place on   Saturday 22nd December, 19th January and 16th February at Revidge Fold at 9.15am.

NOTE: There will be no Christmas Day Services at Trinity or Westbury Gardens this year, there will however be   a service at Revidge Fold led by Mal starting at 10.00am and all are welcome.

To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.

Watch out for other activities in the notices, in the meantime have a joyous Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

October – November 2018

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the  nineteenth issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our     Community Minister.


As usual Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and     represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally.

It’s been a busy summer in which a variety of activities took place all     focussing on the environment and  caring for God’s world as He cares for us. These included the fly tipping    project featured in the last newsletter and the following…

National Citizens Scheme (NCS) Once again we had a group of NCS  students come to Westbury Gardens. This year they organised a litter pick and fun day with a BBQ, various games and a penalty shootout. The event was enjoyed by all who took part.

HOLIDAY CLUB: This took place from 6th – 10th August when the theme was, ‘Waste Watchers’ based on John’s Gospel. We explored the wonder of God’s creation, the wonder of Jesus   to transform lives and how we can care for and transform the                environment around us.

The setting was a rubbish tip which accumulated more rubbish each day  to highlight the issue of litter and fly tipping following on from the fly      tipping project involving the schools.

28 children attended through the   week and 27 volunteers helped in   various ways on a rota basis. Many thanks to all those who got involved and helped make it another great   success.

Activities included games, various crafts, Bible stories, food of course  and a daily visit from Rover, one of Mal’s puppets, they even managed to turn a paper aeroplane into a Cross and turn water into wine.

Each craft activity followed the theme of recycling which included making ‘Dusty Bins’ (remember 3-2-1) and Panda Puppets (WWF logo) as seen in the photographs. A great time was  had by all.


Our fourth Pet blessing service was once again a great success even though we had to hold inside due to the weather. This also picked up the theme of the  environment and Eric Howorth (Mr Music man) who leads the sing-a-long at the memory café and organist at Revidge Fold wrote three new songs for the occasion. These were accompanied by the worship group from Revidge and a pastorate choir both of which really enhanced the singing. Noah also put in  another appearance.

To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.

Watch out for other activities in the notices.


June – July 2018

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the seventeenth issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep

you up to date about Mal’s work as our Community Minister.


As usual Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally. Other things he’s been involved in include;


This continues to go well and grow. Recent activities have included a presentation by Jimmy O’Donnelfrom Lancashire Memories who brought along old items which many of us have used in years gone by as well video clips of past TV programmes and songs, making an Easter garden and decorating our Easter tree, making bread chicks, and a Royal theme quiz. Mal and Elizabeth Bradley also led a session at the URC Local Preachers conference at Northern College.


This again was a great success and raised £228 towards Mal’s work in the community across the three churches. Thanks to all those who came along and had fun.


As reported in the last issue this is a new project working with various agencies, housing associationsand schools to tackle the issue of fly tipping in the area through education, awareness and practical involvement. It is now taking shape and all the pupils who took part in designing the art work have received a certificate and the winning entries received a trophy and a voucher to go trampolining at Flip It.

A structure depicting the Art Work will now be built and erected near Romney Walk/North Road with the centre piece being a Fly Tipping Monster.

INTERNATIONAL VEGETARIAN EVENT: As many of you will know this took place at Revidge Fold on bank holiday Monday in partnership with the Inter Madrassah Organisation. It was very well attended and there was a great atmosphere. Mal made a vegetable lasagne and there were a variety of Asian foods and other foods available for people to try for free.



PRAYER WALKS: Once again Mal is organising a series of prayer walks round the communities of our three churches and these will take place as follows.

Westbury Gardens,   Wednesday 13th June.

Trinity,                        Thursday 12th July.

Revidge Fold,              Wednesday 25th July.

Please support them if you can, they are an important part of our Prayer life and Mission to the communities we serve. Details of where to meet on each occasion will follow and all will start at 7.00pm and end at 8.00pm.

To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal

on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.

Happy Pentecost and thanks for your continued support.

Watch out for other activities in the notices.


Jan – March 2018

INTRODUCTION: Happy New Year and welcome to the fifteenth issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our Community Minister.


CHRISTMAS: This was a very busy period as usual with all three churches holding Christmas Fairs and services and Mal was able to support all three in various ways as well as leading worship on several occasions especially during the Advent and Christmas period. He has also represented the pastorate at various meetings. both locally and regionally and took part in the CTNB Advent Service at St. James on the 1st Sunday of Advent. On Christmas Day he led worship at Westbury Gardens.

MEMORY CAFE: As a result of the success of the Memory Café and the wider interest it has generated Mal and     Elizabeth Bradley were invited to have a stand at a Dementia seminar run by Lancashire Fire Brigade. This took place at their training centre in Chorley in December. During their lunch break they were able to talk to various officers involved in Dementia awareness across the brigade and make contact with other agencies. It was a very worthwhile event to go to and the buffet was very good too.

They have also been invited to go over to Warrington to talk to a group of URC churches and talk to an agency in     Ashton to share our experience of setting up and running a Memory Café.

MESSY CHURCH: The Christmas Messy Church held at Shadsworth Junior School was very successful with over 30 Children including parents attending. The theme was ‘Following in the Footsteps of Jesus’. Activities included    everyone drawing round their foot, cutting them out and sticking them on a large map of the route Mary and Joseph took from Nazareth to Bethlehem. They also played games, made stick puppets and watched a video, oh and of course there was food. All who attended had a great time.

PRAYER BREAKFASTS: These take place on the third Saturday of each month 9.15am @ Revidge Fold, they

are a PASTORATE event and numbers continue to grow. Using music, meditations, bible readings and

prayers they provide an opportunity for us to spend a quiet reflective time towards the end of each busy month to bring our concerns for individuals and situations to God. We then share breakfast together of cereals and toast etc, those who attend find them very helpful. ALL ARE WELCOME.


CTNB QUIZ NIGHT: On Friday 9th February Mal is organising a Quiz Night on behalf of Churches Together in North Blackburn @ Revidge Fold staring at 7.00pm. The cost is Adults £3 Children £2 Including refreshments. See posters for more details. All are welcome.

EASTER HOLIDAY CLUB: Easter will soon be here and the next main event Mal is organising will be the Holiday Club which will take place from Monday 26th – Thursday (inc) 29th March. Volunteers are again needed to help run this event and there will be a planning meeting on TUESDAY 6th March 4.00pm @ Westbury Gardens. If you feel you can help out in anyway please contact Mal as soon as possible.

GOOD FRIDAY: Following on from last years enjoyable day Mal is organising another trip over to Tockholes after the Good Friday Service and then    returning to Blackburn for a fish and chip supper and quiz (venue for this to be confirmed along with more details). All those who came last year had a great time so why not join us and have fun.


Oct – Nov news and looking to December 2017

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the fourteenth issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our Community Minister.

It’s hard to believe that Mal has now been with us for three years, starting his ministry here on 14th November 2014. Since then a lot has been achieved as we have journeyed Together to Make A Difference.

These achievements have been well documented through his reports and these pages in the newsletters which we hope you have enjoyed reading.


As usual Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally.

FIRST MONDAYS GROUP:  John East was the speaker at the November meeting and gave a very interesting talk about his father during the war which was well received. They are holding their Christmas lunch on Monday 4th December and a programme for 2018 has been drawn up. New members are always welcome.

MEMORY CAFE: Members have been busy making things to sell on their stall at Revidge Fold Christmas Fair on 2nd December including bird boxes, gift tags, table decorations, candle holders and decorating tumblers. The group is becoming very well known and respected by various agencies who refer people to the café which means numbers are growing all the time with over 20 guests accompanied by an appropriate adult attending each session.


Unfortunately the It’s-a-Knockout held during October half term didn’t go as planned with only 2 children attending. We did however play some of the games as planned with the helpers from each church forming two teams and having fun and one elder remarked “that yes it was disappointing the numbers were low but it turned out to be a very good team building exercise”. Thanks to all those who gave up their time to help.

PRAYER BREAKFASTS: These take place on the third Saturday of each month 9.15am @ Revidge Fold, they are a PASTORATE event and numbers continue to grow including people from Accrington and Blackburn Baptist Church. They are a valuable part of our prayer life and an opportunity to take time out for personal reflection. All who come along get a great deal out of them.

TRAINING: In November Mal attended a URC training course to be able to assess candidates applying for ministry and recently he underwent training to build a TMAD website. Obviously the site is in its infancy but you can take a look at what he’s done so far at

TMAD REVIEW: The review of Mal’s post by the URC mentioned in the last issue went very well, they were very impressed and inspired by what we doing here together.


FAMILY CHRISTMAS QUIZ: Mal is organising a Pastorate Family Christmas Quiz 7.00pm @ Trinity on Friday 15th December. For more information about this please see poster and separate leaflet giving more details of how you can take part.

The next Prayer Breakfast will take place on Saturday 16th December, 9.15am @ Revidge Fold

Then there’s all the Christmas activities taking place in each of the three churches during the coming weeks which Mal will be supporting.

Happy reading and a Merry Christmas,

watch out for more details!


August September2017

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the thirteenth issue of TMAD News ( period Aug/Sept 17), the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our Community Minister. Its been a really busy and exciting summer so this issue is a bumper one in order to cover everything that’s been happening.


As usual Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally.


FIRST MONDAYS GROUP:  At the September meeting Mal gave a talk on his and Lorraine’s holiday to Costa Rica in 2007. This was well received.

MEMORY CAFE: This continues to go very well with new members joining at each session. (Lena will report more on this in the Pastorate pages).

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB: This took place from Monday 7th to Friday 11th August. The theme was based on John Harding’s Razzamatazz Robots. During the five days the children explored the creation stories as recorded in Genesis, through stories, videos, songs, puppet sketches, crafts and games. Each day the children and some of the leaders made various crafts including Robot Masks and Visors, Prayer chasers, Robot waistcoats and Robot Puppets.

On the Friday they dressed up in their outfits and gave a presentation to the parents/guardians who had been invited to come along for a cuppa and find out what their children had been doing.

Also during the week each group made a section of a giant robot which was put together as the picture below shows. Mal wishes to thank all the volunteers from the churches and the community who helped out in various ways before and during the event, it couldn’t happen without you.


Our 3rd annual Pet Blessing Service was held on the Sunday following the holiday club at Westbury Gardens. Once again it was a great success with more people attending this year but a few less pets. We did however have several photographs of pets and a box containing the ashes of a Hamster which was a first.

Those who attended enjoyed singing several action songs, hearing and taking part in the ‘Noisy Noah’s Ark Story’. A display of artwork depicting birds recently done by Intack Primary School was also on display and once again the weather was very kind to us. Mal and Lorraine performed a puppet sketch ‘People Need the Lord’ putting into practice the new skills they learned in July when they attended a puppet ministry training day in Bolton.


As reported in previous issues Westbury Gardens have been exploring ways in which to improve the outside of their building. Well, during the summer this process began with the aim of transforming three blocked up windows at the rear of the church .

By working in partnership with a group of young people from National Citizen Challenge (NCS), the Art and Craft Group which meets at Westbury Gardens and members of the church a cunning plan was devised, the aim was to design a Biblical mural for each window.

With that briefing the young people took us through an impressive process during two 2 hour sessions of coming up with ideas and then turning those ideas into artwork. All sorts of ideas were suggested but the three we settled on were ‘Creation’, The ‘Easter Story’ and ‘Parables’.

Once this process was complete photographs of the artwork were taken and transposed onto each window by Mal using acetates with an overhead projector. Then on the Saturday before the pet service those involved completed the process by painting them and the results are below.

 Before After

I’m sure you will agree that they have made a huge difference. It was an exciting project to be involved in and gives opportunities for the area to be used in many different ways.

Well done everyone!


Mal is organising another round of Prayer Walks as follows…

Revidge Fold – Wednesday 11th October @ 7.00pm, meet at Church

Trinity – Wednesday – 25th October @ 7.00pm, meet at church

Westbury Gardens – Wednesday 15th November @ 7.00pm, details of where to meet will follow

The next Prayer Breakfast will take place on Saturday 21st October, 9.15am @ Revidge Fold

Please support these Prayer activities if you can. They form an important part of our churches prayer life and are a witness to each community.




To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal

on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.


Happy reading and watch out for more details!



Welcome to the twelfth issue of TMAD News (period Aug/Sept 17), the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about Mal’s work as our Community Minister.



Mal has continued to support all three churches in various ways, led worship on several occasions and represented the pastorate at various meetings both locally and regionally.



The first Mondays Group summer BBQ at Westbury Gardens was a great success. Apart from enjoying the food, those who attended enjoyed taking part in two quizzes on food and past TV programmes.



The Art and Craft Group at Westbury Gardens on a Monday morning is growing in numbers. They are working towards putting together an exhibition around Harvest, which will be displayed in the church. The exhibition will be open to the public to come in and see their artwork throughout the week following the Sunday service on 1st October. New members are always welcome from 10.30 – 12.30.



Mal recently attended a Puppet Ministry training course in Bolton to help him develop the use of his puppets in worship, school assemblies and at the holiday clubs, so watch this space, you never know when a puppet may appear.


Mal and Elizabeth Bradley along with two people who attend the memory café at Revidge Fold led a workshop at the Synod Big Day Out event in Southport.


It turned out to be a very popular. It was so popular in fact that people had to be turned away, which shows how important the issue of Dementia is to the churches and the growing need for us to find ways of responding in appropriate ways.



All three prayer walks have now taken place. Because of the weather Trinity’s ended up being a virtual walk in church.


Mal will be arranging 3 more walks in the autumn. These walks are a very important part of our outreach and mission. They are not only a visible presence in each community they are important in developing our prayer life.


They are also integral in getting to know the communities and keeping us focussed on discerning what God is calling us to do in our part of His kingdom.




Work has already started to improve the outside appearance of Westbury Gardens by volunteers from the community.


Over the next few weeks two groups group of young people from the National Citizen Service organisation will be coming to… a) create a nature garden at the top of the car park and b) paint murals on three bricked up windows at the back of the church and create a story telling area. Exciting times are ahead.



This is taking place from Monday 7th to Saturday 12th August. The theme this year is going to be Razzamatazz Robots. During the six days the children will be exploring the creation stories as recorded in Genesis, through stories, videos, songs, crafts and games.

Our 3rd annual Pet Blessing Service will follow this on the Sunday 10.30 at Westbury Gardens. A display of artwork depicting birds recently done by Intack Primary School will be used during the service.


Mal still needs volunteers to help run the holiday club and if you can help out in any way please contact Mal as soon as possible.



Mal is exploring with the Elders at Revidge Fold and Trinity ways in which he can more involved in their respective communities. Again there are exciting times ahead for us all.



To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.


Happy reading and watch out for more details!