With the United Reformed Church (URC)
- we claim to be God’s people
- transformed by the Gospel
- making a difference for Christ’s sake
We aim to make a difference for:
This is a Fairtrade churchand we have a Fairtrade stall on the first Sunday of the month
and at public events such as the annual Carnival.
We regularly support Christian Aid and the Commitment for Life Jamaica project and UNICEF’s MITE scheme
Locally, we regularly support the East Lancashire Hospice, Nightsafe (a local charity supporting homeless young people), the Blackburn Foodbank, and those helping asylum seekers and refugees.
Following a special cafe-style service in January 2012, over £170 was donated to Christians Against Poverty.
The Christmas Day collection of £179 was donated to Nightsafe. A recent Quiz Night raised £150 for the URC’s Commitment for Life project in Jamaica. During Lent the church participated in Water Aid’s ‘Jars for Change’ project and raised £410.