Newsletter Extracts


From Gilbert Feb 2025

Dear friends,

As the new year begins, it brings forth a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on the achievements of the previous year while anticipating what God has for us this 2025. May I use this opportunity to thank you all for what you have been doing. Your prayers and support it should be noted has played a particularly key role in our success over the past year as individuals, as a congregation, and as a missional partnership.

As we enter this new year, the good news is that Christ still shines in this our dark and shadowy world. It is worth celebrating because no matter what may be happening in the world, we know who is really in charge! God himself has come on a mission of grace, mercy, love, and salvation. As we begin 2025, let us learn to trust the Lord. Remember, Mary and Joseph had to trust God completely when they had to make the long journey to Bethlehem and then again when they had to flee into Egypt. May we be a people of faith and joy who rejoice in the light and hope that Christmas brings. This light truly does shine in a world full of darkness, and this light must penetrate in our hearts.

In this new year 2025, may the words of the Apostle Paul come to mind: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Being joyful, prayerful, and thankful sounds quite simple, but we need to be reminded of this daily.

Whatever situation you shall be facing, rejoice in the Lord Jesus because He is our Savior. In Him, we have the forgiveness of all sin, past, present, and future. We do not have to carry regret over past mistakes into the new year. Whatever circumstance you shall be facing, pray for a renewed sense of purpose as individuals and as a congregation. Be firm in your belief that God will lead us as we strive to fulfil our purpose and mission. As we face tough decisions and new projects in this new year, we must trust that God will lead us, and thus we can experience the peace that passes all understanding that only He can give.

In all, we must learn to thank God for every experience that has shaped us this past year 2024. Even during difficult seasons, we grew closer to one another and stronger in faith and fellowship. We are thankful for each of you. During this past year, we have offered thanksgiving for successful surgeries; the birth of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; safe travels across highways and into foreign lands; the renewal of hope and faith; the homegoing of loved ones who entered their heavenly rest; and many other experiences.

To be sure, we are living through challenging times; financial insecurity; health issues; attacks that threaten many in the community and others who are the most vulnerable among us. Nevertheless, the Word reminds us to “keep our spiritual fervour as we serve the Lord be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).

So let us get ready for a wonderful year ahead. Let us be on the lookout for the new things God wants to do in us and through us. To God be the glory for the remarkable things He has done in 2024 and will do in the future through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.

Wishing you a Happy New Year 2025.

Your friend and Minister.



Community Ministers Letter

Dear Friends,

I recently attended a conference along with Daleen, the event was entitled “Conversations at the Crossroads” part of the church life review.

Like all the mainstream denominations the URC are trying to develop a vision as to how ministry, church and mission might look like in the future.

The event took place at High Leigh conference centre in Hertfordshire and was facilitated by someone from the Methodist Church. It brought together over 100 people from across the URC, ecumenical partners and other networks involved in ministry of one form or another.

Each day started and ended with worship and one of the other CRCWM’s and I was invited to lead worship on the Wednesday evening. Bible study and discussions were held round tables approx. 10 to a table which isn’t conducive when you wear hearing aids in a very large room and for some of the questions, we were being asked we were only allowed 5 or 10 minutes.

Some of the questions we discussed during our time together included the following…

  • What do we mean by fruitfulness in new worship and discipleship communities?
  • What are we hoping to see?
  • What would help the URC’s new communities of worship and discipleship flourish?
  • What systems and habit’s will elevate us to better fulfil our dreams for new communities beyond the crossroads?
  • And many, many more

Answers to our discussions were recorded in various ways and will be used to help the review group in their deliberations. During the last session the facilitator gave a summary of what he and the Review group had heard from our conversations and a summary is as follows…


·        Death and resurrection, – midwifing – hospicing – rhythms of life

·        Being responsible – who’s here taking action, laying down and           taking up

·        Little consensus = value this and be a network movement

·        Seek the kingdom as a church movement



In support of new worship and discipleship communities

·        We will be more intentional about everything

·        Develop and deepen relationships

·        Increase evangelism

·        Animate local change, with central support

·        Embed both/and thinking

·        Lessen organisational burdens

·        Take more risks in developing new worship and discipleship communities

·        Intentionally increase sharing the good news in our contexts

·        Celebrate our both/and movement

·        Embrace the cycles and rhythms of the kingdom life

·        ‘Crash’ systems and structure to the minimum

It was a privilege to be part of this consultation but as Church Related Community Work Ministers, we realised that our Ministry is very fragile and that the review group could make a recommendation to General Assembly that our Ministry is phased out in favour of exploring other types of Ministries such as Pioneer Ministry and Transitional Ministry.

We believe that our Ministry does both in various ways and it would be a mistake if they chose to phase it out. Our ministry is unique and the envy of several other denominations including the Church of England and the Methodist Church so why get rid of something that isn’t broken or re-invent the wheel?

This won’t affect me as I’m retiring in a couple of years, but it would affect people like Alice and students coming out of training. I’m therefore asking you to pray for the review group that they will not make this recommendation but realise what a difference we are making in communities in many places.

In many ways we are at the crossroads in Blackburn with the merger of Revidge Fold and Trinity which will give us the opportunity to explore how we develop our exciting mission opportunities and Westbury Gardens are doing the same as is our missional partnership and the churches within it.

All of us will face many challenges along the way but we can be assured that God will be with us every step of the way and if we discern his will through the Holy Spirit together, we can achieve great things to his glory and the benefit of the communities we serve.

In closing I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous New Year and I’ll continue to look forward to working with you all.

If you would like more information or to discuss this further, please contact me.

Your community minister,



Working with the Community

As you may remember we (Westbury Gardens) are responding to the local community’s concern about parking in Westbury Gardens which as you know is causing great difficulties for anyone who lives in Westbury Gardens or is coming to our church.  Discussions are in process and we are hoping to work towards making some improvements.  It is good to work in partnership with those who live in Westbury Gardens who are our neighbours and we hope that this will ultimately lead to some improvements.   Watch this space!

Christmas Lantern Service

As you know we as Westbury Gardens hold a Christmas Lantern Service each year

and invite all those who are part of the Judo Club that meets in our church twice a week (40/50 of them).  The one held this year was very successful with Colin and Christian who are both adult Judo players taking part in the service.  The church was full and with a Christmas tree and lanterns lit it look wonderful at this special time in our Christian faith.  We give thanks for Mal who led the service and to Colin and his daughter and Christian and his son.   Colin and Christian are always very willing to help and take part in any service or activity we arrange during the year.  We take the opportunity to thank Colin and his daughter Erin for helping us to run the holiday club.

Aftab Mughal training for Non-Stipendiary Ministry

Aftab has recently finished his placement in the URC Methodist Church, Great Harwood and Rishton Methodist Church and he will soon be starting a new placement at St Andrew and St George’s URC in Bolton.  Whilst his training is intense with him having to travel to the URC’s Scottish College in Glasgow frequently and also doing a lot of studying online he still finds time to support and work with The Community Harmony Project in Blackburn which Aftab and Fozia were instrumental in forming and will still find time to join us in worship at Westbury Gardens when he can.  However, in the light of his heavy work load he is standing down as a serving Elder.


Local Ecumenical Connections between Westbury Gardens URC, St Pauls Methodist and St Jude’s C of E

A Quiet Day was held on 30th November at Holy Trinity Worship Centre this was led by The Rev’d Nicholas Heale.  This provided us with a thoughtful time allowing us to put other things to one side for an hour or two.  Whilst there were not many present there were people from St Pauls Methodist and the Churches of England where Nicholas is the Vicar.  There were 2 representatives from Westbury Gardens others couldn’t attend because of commitments.  During Lent on the 8th March there will be another Quiet Day held at Holy Trinity Worship Centre, Mount Pleasant Larkhill.  This will be from 10 am to 12 noon followed by a light lunch.

As you will recall from our previous newsletter a Peace Service was arranged for 26th January, however, unfortunately this has had to be rearranged and is now going to take place on Saturday 29th March to be held at St Pauls Methodist Church at 11 am.



Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

The last meeting of the LEMP met recently and talked about the following:

  • Church Family/Children’s Worker. This will be pursued over future weeks and there will be a meeting at Westbury Gardens on 11th February to discuss this.  It is hoped that there will be a representative from each of the Missional Partnership churches.
  • On 10th May there will be an Away Day for Elders at Lancaster, more details to follow.
  • The ACORN meeting at Westbury Gardens went very well and early responses to Daleen to join an ACORN group would be appreciated.
  • Forthcoming events –

Revidge Fold URC exhibition of memorabilia 22nd February 10 – 3 pm

  • Revidge Fold URC 100th Anniversary and final service February 23rd30 pm followed by a buffet. Please respond asap to Maurice Bradley if you intend to go.
  • 20th February at 2 pm The Rev’d Gilbert Esambe will give a talk entitled ‘Missionary Journey of a Servant of God’ at Darwen Central URC. All are welcome.

ACORN Roadshow

As you will remember from our last newsletter the ACORN Roadshow was held on 25th January at Westbury Gardens.  There were a good number of people there from our Missional Partnership churches and we all enjoyed hearing Michael Harvey explain the acronym ACORN as follows:







The above is a way of remembering how we go about telling others about our Faith

and how important it is to share what God is telling us day by day.

We heard that many of us do not feel sufficiently confident to talk to others about our Faith and how important it is to us.  In the above acronym the A stands for ASK.

When we meet people it’s good to Ask them how they are carefully really listening to what they say and responding by talking about how we are and how we find that our Faith helps us in many different ways.  We all know, don’t we, that the simple greeting of ‘How are you?’ usually gets a response ‘I’m fine thank you for asking’. Recognising this it is good to follow up by getting to understand what their response is really saying.  Often this can lead on to a conversation which helps us to get to know each other a  little better and may give us an opportunity to invite them to come to our church to find out more about us and gives us the opportunity to explain the weekly activities that go on in our church such as the Art and Craft group, and Café which they may like to come and try out.

C = CALL and stands for the ‘Call’ of God to follow him in our lives and the O in OBEY is us obeying the Call. ‘R’ in ACORN reminds us to report any such conversations we might have had with others and to reflect on how that conversation went and might mean.  The ‘N’ in ACORN stands for us noticing God in our daily lives as our friend and teacher who is walking alongside us day by day.  Those of us who went to the session are now charged with putting ACORN, and its meaning, into practice and some of us (maybe all of us) will be reporting our experiences in follow up sessions where we can report our findings to both Michael and Daleen.

We hope that others in our church may like to find out more, if so just let me know.  There will be a number of these reporting sessions as we go forward which may become a regular meeting.

This is all aimed at us creating a culture of invitation as a spiritual practice in our pastoral care for others and becomes normal for us and which asks us to pray the following 15 words each day – ‘Gracious God is there someone you want me to connect with outside the church  today




Rev. Gilbert Esambe

( From Gilbert)

Dear friends,

a few months back, we were brainstorming during one of our Missional Partnership Steering group meeting on the expectations of the ministers. A task was therefore given through the representatives to the churches to ask what they want from their ministers. Unfortunately, we had to put this project on hold when we received news of the Reverend Adam’s new appointment at Shefield. Then, like a dream, we saw ourselves organising a farewell service on the 22nd of September for this devoted servant of God who put all his efforts while serving us for the past three years. It has been a sad and emotional moment for us especially with the bonds created and love shared. It has been challenging to think of the task I will now have to accomplish until the vacancy is filled. But again, I remain confident that even with the present gap, I have people I can count on as we forge ahead doing God’s mission.

The prevailing circumstances around us reminds me of a story I read about a church. This church is surrounded by a cemetery and has been struggling to connect with the community. An awareness that a foodbank might be helpful was identified, but the cemetery around the church was off-putting, and there was an ‘embarrassment’ factor in a small community about people knowing about your needs. Imaginatively the church hired a manager, took out the pews in the church and replaced with flexible seating, set up a café, had it staffed by volunteers who provided free tea, coffee and home baking, and also provided free telephone and computer access to allow those needing to make benefit appointments and so on to do so (mobile phone coverage is poor in the area and those on limited income had no access to the internet – the preferred way for appointment making). Today, the café is flourishing, and the congregation is making significant progress not only in supporting the community, but also, reinvigorating the church’s relevance and using the assets they have to better use. As a result, attendance is slowly increasing and the church is making a major impact with God’s mission.

As we are gradually getting to the end of the year, and in the midst of the challenges we are facing as a missional partnership/churches, I think this story should inspire us in our reflections on not only what we expect from our ministers, but also on what we can do as a church to thrive in these changing times. Let us take stock of what we have, what we have been doing, and what we can do. I believe we have the assets as individuals and as churches. Doing God’s mission as a church is about building bridges into our community. It is about providing ‘longer tables’. Who do we need to reach; who do we need to invite? As we reflect on these questions, let us remember that it is just time for us to use our imagination to engage and re-engage with the changing time around us. I am rest assured that in our missional partnership and churches, the talent is there, and we can use these talents to overcome our challenges. Think of what God has provided us with to use as we reimagine the relevance of our church here at Lancashire East Missional Partnership today and tomorrow.


Your friend and Minister, Gilbert

(From Mal)

  Dear Friends,

In 2007 I was invited to be the guest editor of the URC publication Reform, and I took the theme of ‘Mission and Ministry’ and I’d like to share with you here the introduction I used as I feel it is pertinent to our situation and the discussions taking place around at the moment in our churches and the Synod around M & M payments. (Left is the picture used for the issue at the time).

The phrase ‘M & M’ normally provokes a conversation about how churches struggle to meet their contributions as numbers reduce. It would be far better if we thought of ‘M & M’ in terms of ‘Mission and Ministry’.

We are called to the Ministry of Mission to further God’s Kingdom wherever we are and whatever our situation. To do this we don’t have to be ordained Ministers, Commissioned Church Related Community Work Ministers or Lay Preachers and, as churches, we certainly don’t need to rely upon having one to carry out God’s mission. Many churches have proved this by taking the risk in faith and are doing some great ministry but for many other churches their thinking is perhaps about survival rather than Mission. We all need to take more risks and reach out to our communities like the branches and roots of a tree.

As a CRCWM I am involved in various types of Mission Projects enabling the church and the community to be involved even though not everyone would see it as God’s Mission, at least not to begin with.

On a visit to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan some years ago one of the things which struck me was that they have a clear vision of what their Mission is, unlike many of our churches: they believe that “Small is Not Weak”. They show much can be achieved regardless of numbers or budget and they are seeing tremendous growth. We on the other hand often think the opposite: to achieve something, we feel we need lots of people and money. We complain we don’t have the skills; responsibility always falls on the same people. We get tired and worn out or disillusioned.

Initially Jesus called l2 disciples to help carry out His Mission and Ministry and then 72 to go out and preach the good news. This is exactly what we need to do if we want more members. Mission however is not just about members, it’s about more people coming to know Jesus. We can start small by sowing seeds which take root and grow into something big.

We need to ask ourselves; are we a finance or a mission driven church? I believe that at present, we are finance driven, concerned about each congregation wanting their own stipendiary minister and the fabric of our buildings and how these are going to be paid for. Even if money was no object we still don’t have sufficient ministers or people coming forward for training. If we to grow numerically and financially we need to get our Mission right, involve more people and make better use of all ministry in the URC but first we need to have a vision. Perhaps then we might ‘Catch the Vision’ and move forward.

We have good news to tell, let’s tell it, we have seeds to sow, let’s sow them, we have a Ministry of Mission, let’s do it. (Note Catch the Vision was the URC’s so-called programme for mission back in 2006/7)

The above was my view then and to some extent things haven’t changed very much since then, in fact we now have fewer ministers and as a result we are having to think outside the box to carry out ministry hence we now have our Missional Partnership. However, our ‘Mission’ as churches remains the same and it will always be so, but we need to plan for expansion of the ‘Mission Opportunities’ which are out there and by that I don’t just mean increasing the number of groups that will use our buildings which are not involvement in or with the church.

We also need to remember that M&M is important if we want to have continued Ministry in the URC, it is a small price to pay compared to the price Jesus paid for his ministry on the cross and we need to do all we can to fulfil his command to us as his disciples in our part of God’s Kingdom.

Every blessing


Goodbye to Revd Adam Woodhouse

During this last week we said Goodbye to Adam as he leaves our Missional Partnership (Lancashire East) to follow God’s call to move to Chesterfield.

Adam has touched very many lives with his ministry our partnership, including children and staff at Barrow URC Primary School, Scouts and leaders at Cherry Tree Scouts and all the members and communities of our 9 churches in the Partnership.

We held our Celebration service for Adam’s ministry with us, on Sunday 22nd Sept, at Westbury Gardens URC, when we saw the church full with representatives of all our communities and groups.

Adam moves to Chesterfield to be with his fiancée Emily and her children and will be working for the Church of England in Sheffield in a youth ministry role.

Whilst we will all be sad to see Adam leave us we celebrate with him in these next steps of his journey following God’s ‘Call’.

He leaves with our thanks for all his gifts he has shared with us and our blessings for his future.

We as Westbury Gardens were very pleased and proud to be able to host Adam’s Farewell service and it was good to see our church full with about 120 people coming to the service from all parts of our Partnership.  We send our best wishes for his forthcoming wedding in February next year.

Other news

Car Park

It is good to be able to report that the trees and bushes in our car park have been cut back just in time before we welcomed everyone to Adam’s Farewell Service when the car park was full.  The car park now looks a great deal better and we need to make sure we keep it tidy and don’t let the trees and bushes grow too much..

The cutting back of the trees and bushes was done with the help of Steph’s brother-in-law who runs a gardening business, and he was helped by Steph and all her family.  We give them all thanks for what they have done and now we need to maintain the car park so that it doesn’t get overgrown again.


Another bit of good news is that Steph has been able to setup a Facebook page for Westbury Gardens so that we can make things we are doing at church known to others in the community.  Thanks Steph for doing this.


We at Westbury Gardens are very pleased to have been able to host a visit from Bowel Cancer Screening Specialist nurses and their Admin team from Blackpool Hospital and the UCLAN research team that is working with them (about 20 of them) They came to find out what we do as a church and to find out about our work in the community which we were very pleased to be able to tell them about and why this is so important to us. They will be bringing another team on Monday 7thOctober.

Sadiq Patel

Some of you may remember Sadiq as he came to one of our ‘Westbury Talks’ sessions to tell us about his work with the Islamic Charity Al-Imdaad which has its HQ on Audley Range.  Unfortunately, he is at present seriously ill in Blackburn Royal Hospital and so it would be good if we can remember him in our thoughts and prayers praying that he will soon be better.

Beetle Drive Saturday 12th October 2 pm – 4 pm

We are holding a Beetle Drive on Saturday 12th October from 2 pm to 4 pm followed by Tea/Coffee/Soft Drinks and Cakes and a raffle.  Everyone is welcome so please tell others about it and if you can bring along your friends, it should be a good afternoon. We will be making it known to other local churches so that we spend a happy time together getting to know each other a little more.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

As reported last time now that Adam has left us to take up a new ‘Calling’ work is continuing to make known, across the URC, that there is a vacancy for a minister in our Missional Partnership to come and work with us alongside Gilbert and Mal.  A Missional Partnership profile has therefore been written which includes descriptions and aspirations of all our Missional Partnership Churches which includes our work and thinking as Westbury Gardens and the of the other churches in the LEMP.  We now hope and pray that when this is circulated ministers looking to move to take up a new ‘Calling’ will want to find out more and come to meet us etc. However, this is likely to take several months so we must keep our hopes and aspirations active and hold this process in our prayers over the coming months.  We must also hold Gilbert and Mal in our thoughts and prayers as they find ways to works across the whole partnership whilst we are waiting for someone to answer our ‘Call’ to come and work with us alongside both of them.

Barrow Primary School are asking for practical help to do jobs around the school grounds a bit like the TV series DIY SOS on Saturday 12th October.  If there are people willing to give some practical help the school would very much appreciate it.  If you can and need more information please let Derek know.

Mal Breeze will be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of his commissioning as a CRCWM on 7th September 2025.  There will be a special service held in the morning – more details to follow nearer the time.

Our Harvest Festival Service

This year our Harvest Festival service focused on the need to recognise that our food supplies come from all parts of the world therefore enabling us to buy fruit and vegetables at times which are not connected with harvest times in Western Europe.

Whilst is great it means that fruit and veg and other things are being brought thousands of miles from where they are grown which adds to the negative effect of ‘climate change’.  The service that Margaret and Susan led for us highlighted this and ask us to consider buying more locally produced food and when buying from other countries to try to buy Fair Traded products if possible.  Fairtrade is a system of certification that sets standards in the production of goods, and it means safer working conditions and fairer pay for those growing and harvesting food. We were also encouraged to support Foodbank etc which is so important in providing food for those in need.

Those at the service were asked to see how many words they could make out of the letters of the word ‘HARVEST’. There are of course many words, but our focus was on three i.e. ‘HAVE’, ‘STARVE’ and ‘SHARE’.  We are fortunate to have sufficient food to eat but there are many people who don’t and are suffering from starvation so we must share food when we can.

As we were thinking about this the £55 collection during the service was donated to the work of the Blackburn Salvation Army Hostel and its work with homeless people.

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) Tuesday 10th September.

A walk of support started in Darwen at 10.15am and reached Blackburn Town Hall in time to take part in a 2-minute Silent Vigil outside the Town Hall at 12.30pm

Steph and her mum, Suzanne, who help at a women’s group in Shadsworth, joined the march from Darwen centre to Blackburn Town Hall. Steph and others carried banners to draw attention to World Suicide Prevention Day to raise awareness which is so important today where there is so much depression and anxious times affecting people’s lives that can lead to suicide. It is therefore good to know that Steph and Suzanne, as well as others, took part in this walk to promote the need to do more to support people who are finding life difficult.

In the Run Up to WSPD there had been

  • Banner making workshops with Cath Ford and
  • SafeTALK suicide intervention training – With two sessions specifically aimed at increasing the awareness about the importance of a suicide intervention conversation that aim to give people confidence to have those important conversations.

Local Ecumenical Connections between Westbury Gardens URC, St Pauls Methodist and St Jude’s C of E

We are continuing to work closely with St Paul’s Methodist Church and St Jude’s Church of England and have invited members from both these churches to come to our Beetle Drive on 12th October 2pm – 4 pm which we hope will help us to get to know each other more.

St Jude’s have agreed to hold a ‘Quite Day as our modern day lives are so busy it was though that spending some time in quite reflection would be good. This will be held on 30th November 10am to 3pm, including lunch, at Holy Trinity Worship Centre Mount Pleasant Larkhill BB1 5DQ this is one of the Churches that the vicar of St Jude’s works with.

We also want to give thanks together for the Old and New Year at the beginning of January 2025 and are planning to hold a Peace Service during week commencing 20th January for us all to share in and possibly to invite those from other Faiths too.

Mosques across Blackburn have been holding Open Days recently and the Noorul Islam Mosque along Audley Range invited us to go along on Sunday 29th September.

Derek was able to go and found that they are also thinking about how they can reach out to people more and so there is the possibility that we might be able to find ways to do work with them in the coming months.


North Blackburn and Westbury Gardens

United Reformed Churches,

Community Ministry Project

Everyone Has Something To offer

Together We Can Make A Bigger Difference


INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the October – November 2024 issue of TMAD News, the page in the newsletter to keep you up to date about my work as your Community Minister.


Since the last Newsletter as usual I have continued to support both churches in various ways particularly with the merger to form North Blackburn URC. I have also led worship on several occasions and represented the churches at various meetings both locally, regionally and nationally.

The art and craft group: at Westbury Gardens continues to be a great success, numbers are increasing every week, and they are soon going to need more tables. All are welcome 10.30 -12.30. Tea and coffee etc are also served.

The Memory Café: reopened 0n 9th September with a BBQ. Lorraine and I cooked the burgers and sausages, and everyone enjoyed taking part in the craft activities and quizzes and rounded the afternoon off nicely with an Ice cream cone.

I’ve continued to attend and occasionally lead the Missional Partnership Morning Prayers: on Zoom as well as attending the Bible Studies: on Wednesday evenings. Gilbert is leading the new session on ‘Creation and Eco Matters’

As I said in the last issue the context of my role is changing slightly from October as I will in effect only have two churches instead of three, and therefore I’ll be offering support and to lead worship where appropriate to the other 7 churches in the partnership, but my main priority will still be with our two churches( Westbury Gardens and North Blackburn).

The pet service:  This took place on 11th August and it went very well with 39 people attending and of course several pets. The weather was kind to us so, we were able to hold it outside and those who came really enjoyed it.

Holiday Club: This went very well, and we all had a great time playing games, watching bible video’s, singing songs doing craft activities and enjoying Rover one of our puppets and the gospel tricks I performed.

CRCWM Residential: From 17th – 20th September I attended the annual residential which this year took place in London. It was good to catch up with colleagues and discern what’s distinctive about our ministry to that of ministers of word and sacrament. We did this through Bible Study, worship and discussions.


Lorraine and I will be on Holiday from 1st – 18th October and in November we are going to Rugby for a 3day Puppet workshop to hopefully improve our puppetry skills for use in worship and school assemblies etc so, watch this space.

To find out more about TMAD or get involved please contact Mal on 01254 674862 or speak to any member of the steering group.

Watch out for other activities in the notices.


The partnership morning prayers started during Covid and have continued ever since. We meet on Zoom on Tuesday mornings from 9.30am – 10.00am, they are led by various people

There is a new link for joining as below and all are welcome. If you would like further information please contact Mal, Daleen or Gilbert

Join Tuesday Morning Prayers Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 6852 6201
Passcode: 566316

Hi folks, we know it’s early, but we wanted to give you an advance notice with the next issue not due to come out until the beginning of December. After a year’s break Lorraine and I are once again having an open house on New Years Eve from 8.00pm onwards. Come when you can and leave when you need to, but it would be great if you could see the New Year in with us. All we ask is that you let us know you are coming so we know how many to cater for and if you are a vegetarian or vegan etc.

Barrow Primary URC School Headteacher visit 27th October

The Barrow Primary School is the only primary school that is part of the United Reformed Church and because of this we have a very close relationship with them and they are an integral part of the Lancashire East Missional Partnership. The school Headteacher, Mrs Nicola McArdle, will come to the 27th October service which will be led by Mal to tell us about the work they have had done creating a new classroom.  This has been made possible by funding from both the National Church, the NW Synod and contributions from the Lancashire East Missional Partnership churches.  This will be a chance to hear something of the work of the school and about the building of a new classroom that was urgently needed.  We hope that as many as possible will be present at the service.

Dear Friends,

As I celebrate the three-year anniversary next week of my Ordination and Induction to East Lancashire Missional Partnership, I reflect how much has changed. Churches coming out of the pandemic – For those who remember the scorching hot day of my ordination and sitting socially distant in church or watching on Zoom with the preacher and messages of welcome all being recorded in advance. To now where we are enjoying partnership Bible Studies and trips out, meeting new friends and saying goodbye to others.

The last three years have been a real blessing to me, to be welcomed into this amazing group of churches and becoming good friends in the process. Little did I know three years on I would be engaged and have a family of my own coming together.

Emily and I have had to come together to decide about living arrangements for when we are married. With three children all in high school, we feel it would be best and least upsetting if I moved to Chesterfield. Just over a week ago I accepted a new ministry in Sheffield as a Families, Youth and Children’s minister within a large Church of England Church. I will remain on the role of ministers as a URC Minister of Word and Sacrament but also employed in my new ministry.

With this in mind and with great sadness to be leaving you all, I have given notice to the Synod and will be leaving East Lancashire at the end of September.

I have every faith that our Missional Partnership has great times ahead and I am sorry not to be able to continue this journey with you, but I need to do what’s best for my new family and I hope you will understand that, and that this decision has not been an easy one.

You will of course all be in my prayers as you seek what’s next and I am so grateful for all your support since I first met you all in 2020.

God Bless

Your Minister Adam

I’m sure we all want to wish Adam well as he moves on to take up a new position in the Church of England in Sheffield and are sure we are all going to miss him. We want to thank him for all he has done for us whilst he has been our minister here in the Lancashire East Missional Partnership and want to wish him well as he begins his new family life with Emily.

There will be a Lancashire East Missional Partnership joint service at Westbury Gardens on 22nd September at 2.30 pm which will be Adam’s last service celebrating his time with us and to wish him well as he begins his new life.  We hope that as many of us as possible will be able to be there.

Derek (Church Secretary)

Other news

Buildings – Following the quinquennial building inspection held recently Andrew is addressing things that have been highlighted by the inspection in addition to all his usual work looking after the building.  We want to let him know how much we appreciate all the time and effort he puts in to looking after our building so well and you may have noticed that he has been doing some painting outside our building recently.

Car Park – There’s a constant battle with weeds going on around our building especially during the growing season and there is a pressing need to address the growth of plants and trees around our car park which we are trying to find the best way forward of doing this work.

English Classes – It’s good to report that Fozia Aftab has now begun the English lessons for those whose English is not their first language.  These are going well, and it is hoped there will be more coming along to these sessions before long.

Café style church – We have recently held a Café Style service which went well and are hoping to do more of these in the coming months.

Beetle Drive – We have arranged a Beetle Drive for the afternoon of Saturday 12th October 2 pm – 4 pm.  All are welcome so please invite your friends. We will be inviting friends from the local churches so we hope it will be a good and enjoyable afternoon.  There will be afternoon tea and a raffle.

Building  Local Ecumenical Connections between Westbury Gdns URC, St Pauls Methodist and St Jude’s Cof E

St Pauls Methodist, St Jude’s Church of England and Westbury Gardens URC have begun to hold meetings and events together as Churches in East Blackburn exploring working together to meet local needs etc.

Three meetings of Methodist, URC and St Jude’s C of E have taken place, and we are now extending an invitation to our friends at St Joseph’s RC Church and are hopeful that they will join in with what we are beginning to do.  So far we have had a joint Quiz Night enjoyed by all those who attended that helped to refresh and reconnect us with each other after Covid etc.  More recently we have enjoyed exploring New Ways to Pray using labyrinths at both St Jude’s and Westbury Gardens and those people that came found this time of quiet reflection helpful. Those there joined in communion at the close at Westbury Gardens.  We are currently exploring a possibility of holding a Quiet Day which St Jude’s will lead recognising that today’s life is so busy that it is good to give ourselves the opportunity of some quiet time which we hope will again be refreshing and energising to those that take part.  Other thinking extends to the possibility (still being thought about) of establishing a food larder accessible to local people possibly at Westbury Gardens but with help and inspiration from the other churches too.  It is hoped that this new coming together will take root.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

  • Seeking another minister for our Partnership

As Adam will soon be leaving us LEMP churches are now reviewing their profiles so that we can, as a Missional Partnership in East Lancashire, provide a composite profile which can be used to seek another minister to work with us.  Currently each church is reviewing their profile and hopefully these will be ready for use by September.

  • Baptism –

Baptism in the River Ribble – Worship in God’s beautiful creation What a joyful celebration we had when the Rev Adam Woodhouse baptised Margaret Molloy, member of Kingsway URC. A few of the Lancashire East Missional Partnership members joined Margaret on this very special milestone in her discipleship journey.

The Rev Adam led the service with the following words. –

Welcome and Introduction –

The Lord is here.

His Spirit is with us.

Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it in all its fullness.

Whether we are children or adults, baptism marks the beginning of our lives as Christians and as members of the Church. In baptism we are called to take up the Cross and follow Christ in the company of all God’s people from all times and places. Because we cannot do this without help, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, to enable us to live as God’s people and to serve God’s purposes in the world. We acknowledge one baptism, in obedience to Christ. After his rising from the dead, Jesus said to his disciples: Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. May Margaret experience the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance on the steps of her faith journey.

The Rev Daleen ten Cate. (as printed in the North West Synod newsletter)

General Assembly 2024

At General Assembly this year our NW Synod presented a resolution entitled

‘A Church with People at the Margins: A Strategy for Mission and Ministry’ to the wider church which encourages all parts of the church to reflect on its implications. Following discussion, this was accepted by General Assembly.

The proposed strategy set out in the document, “A Church with People at the Margins – A Strategy for Mission and Ministry” has four sections:

  • Call to Mission
  • Commitment as a Synod
  • Challenge to Member Churches
  • Support for Member Churches.

The challenge to Local churches of the North Western Synod is key to the delivery of this strategy as over a third of our churches are in areas serving the 10% most deprived communities in England. Many, like us are already working in partnership with other local organisations to address the needs of people who are disadvantaged or excluded. The vision is to create a network of local churches working

with people in communities that are disadvantaged to enable them to live their lives

with dignity, and power as an integral part of the life of their local community.

We at Westbury Gardens try to work in this way and we must continue to do this as we go forward.


April – May

Dear Friends

Not being able to have had a proper holiday since I started work at our Missional Partnership, it was not until I went on holiday that I realized how tired I was. As ministers, we understand that many in our churches only have a vague idea of the work we do, and there is still this notion that we only work one day a week. But believe me, I was tired!

Whether you take some time off during the week or take a proper holiday at various times of the year, the principle of getting rest is vital. It is enshrined biblically, and the concept of ‘the Sabbath’ is central to human well-being. Without rest, we are prone not simply to tiredness but also to poor health, both physical and mental. It is common to notice the long hours that many people put into work as well as the breaching of boundaries between work time and leisure time. Whether you are married or single, with or without family commitments, the long hours you put into work can lead to levels of stress.

As a young and growing missional partnership, there is without doubt much work to be done, though it does not cancel the idea of taking a rest. In my ministry, I have come to realize that there are always a small number of people within our churches who bear a disproportionate amount of responsibility for the work that we do. I fear there are some who take for granted the willingness of the few. In any institution, this is not healthy, and it is unsustainable. We should be concerned about what would happen if even a few of our dependable deservedly sought time off. We certainly do not make it easy for them.

Getting a work-life balance is important for everyone. In the life of the church, getting the right balance is also important. There are times when we should ‘be’ the church, experiencing the opportunities for worship and education and joining together. There are also times when we should be aware that our ‘doing’ within the church also needs  to be significant. It is part of the promise we make when we become members.

As we are in the season of Pentecost, a time when we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit to invigorate and inspire the first Christians, I wonder what that same Spirit might invigorate and inspire us to do. I wonder what that same Spirit wants our church and missional partnership to be and to do. I wonder what that same Spirit is making you think about the future possibilities for our missional partnership. Whether working or resting, I invite you to think about what, intentionally, this church, congregation, or missional partnership of ours needs to be and to do in the months that lie ahead, and how you are going to play an active part in making that happen. Our church/congregation/missional partnership rises or falls by its commitment to Jesus and by the active engagement of all its members. Let us therefore bear in mind that what God has entrusted to us has no room for passengers. For every one of us, there is something that we can be, and there is something that we must do. God is still speaking, and God’s Spirit is still moving. Take your time, listen, then act. There may  be challenges ahead, but remember, God is still on the throne. May this season of Pentecost serve as a turning point in our lives as individuals and as a community, and pray the Holy Spirit may come and work with us, through us, around us, and within us.

Happy Pentecost!  Your friend and minister Gilbert

Building  Local Ecumenical Connections between Westbury Gdns URC, St Pauls Methodist and St Jude’s Cof E

On Saturday 29th June, in the afternoon starting from 1 pm, there will be an opportunity for us all to explore New Ways to Pray using a labyrinth. This will begin at St Jude’s

and lead on to Westbury Gardens. Those taking part will start at St Jude’s spending time there engaging with the Prayer Stations labyrinth before moving to Westbury Gardens to continue their labyrinth prayer journey there. The afternoon will finish by those taking part sharing communion together.

Light refreshments will be available at both churches for everyone. We hope that many people will come from all 3 churches, as well as others, and that this day will prove to be an engaging and interesting experience that inspires us to find new ways of working together responding to Jesus’ instruction to love one another and to telling others about the love of God. We hope there will be a good attendance from all 3 churches as well as others so please mark it in your diaries, so you don’t forget about it!

The Ecumenical quiz that was held at Westbury Gardens was both enjoyable and successful and we were able to send £140 for Commitment for Life (Christian Aid).  Thank you to all who supported this event.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

The visit of the General Assembly Moderator, the Rev’d. Dr. Tessa Henry-Robinson, to our Missional Partnership from 10th – 13th May went very well, and we think she found the experience a good one being able to see a lot of what we do as a Partnership. She was able to see and hear about the important work of the Kairos Housing Project in Blackburn that provides housing and support for those seeking Asylum on the Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning she joined in a Godly Play training session at Westbury Gardens and then visited Kingsway URC in the centre of town which is an integral part of Housing 21’s facility which gives the church community good connections to the

Residents, and others using the centre, and provides good facilities which are maintained by Housing 21.

After lunch in the Kingsway Café Tessa visited DARE (Darwen Asylum & Refugee Enterprise) in Darwen taking part in activities which included a Teddy Bears Picnic

and met many people.  On Saturday evening she spent time at a social gathering of LEMP members at the Gt Harwood Methodist/URC LEP, enjoyed a light supper and listened to the Hyndburn Singers who gave a short concert.

On Sunday morning Tessa led Worship at Clitheroe URC which was very well attended by members from most of our Missional Partnership Churches as well as some children and Teachers from the Barrow Primary School. In the afternoon she was able to see some of the Ribble Valley before returning to her hotel.  On Monday morning she

visited the Barrow URC Primary school and heard about all the good work they are doing with the children of the local community. She also heard about a difficulty they have with one of their buildings and is now encouraging/supporting the possibility of financial support from the URC to address this difficulty before the new term starts in Sept.

Many of us enjoyed being together for an excellent lunch at Scholars restaurant in Blackburn College on 15th May. Now we are looking forward to our trip to Saltaire Village on 7th June.

Children and Youth Friendly work at Westbury Gardens

As you know we have been recognised as a ‘children and youth friendly church’ and have a sign saying this which is proudly on displayed on the church front gate for everyone who comes to our church to see.  Please make sure you have a look as you come in.  There is also a sign in the Church Foyer.  We are very proud and pleased to be recognised in this way because we do work with many children, indifferent ways, even though we don’t have many who come to worship on Sunday morning.

In this regard you will be pleased to know that we have agreed to provide a place in   our church for IMO (Inspire Motivate Overcome) a charitable organisation that works with young people across Blackburn who will be holding Saturday afternoon sessions for girls from the neighbourhood. This will be a weekly session, principally in the Memorial Hall, initially for10 weeks, to see how it goes. If successful the sessions may continue for longer. We are very pleased to be able to support IMO doing work with young girls that come from the Audley area.  This is in addition to our work supporting and working with Judo sessions that many young people from our area come to.

Kairos Housing

Kairos Housing provides short-term shared accommodation and specialist 1:1 support for asylum seekers and refugees who have become destitute and homeless in Blackburn with Darwen after receiving a decision (positive or negative) on their asylum claim. Kairos Housing provides places to live for refugees and asylum seekers who have faced persecution in their home country for reasons of race; religion; nationality;

Political opinion; or membership of a particular social group.
​They offer accommodation in single sex, two-bedroom furnished flats in the centre of Blackburn and a two-bedroom terraced house in Darwen.

We in the URC locally have been instrumental in setting up Kairos Housing as explained above by helping those who are seeking asylum and find themselves with nowhere to live.  Kairos Housing in providing this support provides a vital safety net for

those in very difficult circumstances and helps those in similar positions to get to know each other thus helping them to continue to have hope, develop friendships, and a supporting network which is becoming increasingly important to so many in our communities.  The URC with others is instrumental in running this important outreach

to so many in our community and we need to keep them all in our thoughts and

prayers for doing this important work in our town.

Other new activities coming up

Holiday Club. – We will again be holding a 3day summer Holiday Club 20th – 22nd August for children 5 – 11 years of age which will be focusing on the Miracles of Jesus.

English Lessons – Fozia and Aftab will be offering English lessons for Asian ladies who would like to improve their English. 6 ladies that live in Westbury Gardens close

to our church have already expressed an interest and we hope there will be others too

that want to join. There will be an initial meeting in our church on Monday 3rd June to find out more and to confirm a date and time that suits them best for the lessons.

Beetle Drive – We are planning an Autumn Beetle Drive so look out for details which will be coming out soon. We hope this will be a good community evening which will attract people from our own church as well as from other local churches and from the local community. There will of course be a supper and a Raffle as part of the evening.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to reclaim 25p for every £1 donated (following certain rules). Each year we make a claim and this year we have been able

to claim £3,312 which is a wonderful help to us financially. A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who has helped by making donations, because as you can see everything donated besides being a great help to others also enables us to claim Gift Aid back too.

Christian Aid Week

Thank you to all those who donated money to the Christian Aid Week collection.  We have sent £270 to Christian Aid from us.

Church Life Review and M & M reviews

The National Church has set up a review of the life of the URC to look at all aspects of our church post the pandemic and will be reporting on this at General Assembly.

Following a recent church meeting we have responded to our Synod’s questions on payments we make to cover Ministry and Mission (M & M) activities.  We have replied that our priority is God’s mission, that the strong should help the weak and that we belong together.  We also confirmed that we as a church trust the Synod Finance

Officers to find the best way forward that reflects these priorities in setting future

M & M payments required from each of the churches in our Synod.  There will be a special Synod meeting to discuss and agree this in the Autumn of this year.


February 24 – March 25

Facing The New Year With Hope Despite The Challenges

Dear friends, it is a great joy for me to be able to put down these few words at the beginning of the New Year 2024 for the very first time since I arrived. I wish to thank Adam and other ministers both active and retired, who have been doing marvellous work here at Lancashire East Missional Partnership. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all who have been faithful in serving God and his church throughout the past year, in whatever office or capacity of the church’s life we have served. God values your commitment to his church and honours your service to Him. I extend to you, and your families and loved ones every blessing and glad tidings as we continue to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I assure you of my prayers and best wishes as the new year unfolds.

Looking at my diary, I noticed that I arrived here on the 27th of October 2023. I was made to feel very welcome. Within this brief period, I met various people within the partnership, the school at Barrow, the organisations (DARE, and Kairos), as well as colleagues and members from sister denominations and other faiths whom we work in partnership with. You will accept with me that new beginnings are not easy to cope with as there are always challenges along the way. The thoughts of transitioning from Belgium to the United Kingdom, the visa acquisition challenges, living alone in a large mansion, well-furnished through the efforts of the members within the partnership, trying to know and call people by their names, travelling from one church to another, attending prayer and partnership meetings, then getting lost along the way as a result of poor directions all constitutes the challenges I have been facing in the course of transitioning into a new country and home.

These challenges are just so evident as we move into the New Year as well. As we journey forth into 2024, we are surely aware of much uncertainty regarding what lies ahead, especially with so many national and global issues, the challenges facing the Church, and all we are immersed in concerning the people and places of our local contexts. Perhaps some of it seems confusing and bewildering yet let us not allow that to make us lose hope and focus. May such challenges only help us to look beyond what seems to be, open our hearts and minds to the mysterious presence of God, and yearn to see and hear the signs of God’s certain kingdom. Amid all the knowns and unknowns awaiting us in this New Year, let us not forget the certainty of our hope in God, and may that certainty give us peace amidst anxiety and restlessness. We must learn to trust God, and even seek ways of transforming our obstacles into opportunities. We must remain confident that God will never abandon us because He is still writing our story.

As we all know, Christmas is followed by New Year and so are the celebrations.  As Christians, we celebrate the New Year with great fervour. The toasting of glasses with shouts of joy at midnight and the fireworks high in the sky depict the New Year celebrations.  It is a time to start anew and fresh in all aspects of life. It is the time to

self-reflect and broaden our horizons. I hope and pray that as we journey into 2024 we will marvel afresh at the journey of those restless, curious, and faithful gift-bearing Magi who were utterly focused on following that mysterious star as they sought out the new-born King; and that we will keep our minds and hearts focused on the mystery and wonder of God’s certain love and forgiveness. It won’t remove all the pain, uncertainty, or struggle, but it will free us to be joyful in the unchanging hope we have in Jesus Christ.

With God as our Leader, may we be prepared to live another year under His guidance. Do not be afraid to face life. This New Year has a lot of promises for us. Trust God and everything will be fine for you and yours this year 2024.

With my prayers and every blessing for this new year.

Yours devotedly in Christ

Gilbert Esambe


Christmas 2023

Our Christmas collection, you may remember, was in support of the work of Centrepoint, a charitable organisation that helps homeless young people as UK’s leading youth homelessness charity. Their work, alongside partners, supports over 16,000 young people every year and is part of their endeavours to end youth homelessness by 2037.

We are very pleased to report that we collected £110 which has been sent to Centrepoint in support of their work. The following is their response to us –

Thank you very much for your £110 donation to Centrepoint through your Christmas collections. We really appreciate your generosity, which will make a huge difference to our work!

I have attached a thank you letter (see our church noticeboard) as a token of our gratitude and Ben’s story because the money you have raised will support young people like Ben, who became homeless aged 15 after living with either of his parents became untenable and for the remainder of his teenage years he moved between

hostels, B&Bs, shelters and rough sleeping. 

At 19, Ben was placed into a Centrepoint hostel and from there a Centrepoint self-contained flat where he met staff members that were to have a lasting impact on his life.

 Ben is now a father and teacher. It’s been a difficult road, and he doesn’t think he would have made it if it wasn’t for those staff members.

“They understood me more than I understood myself”, Ben reflects. “If they weren’t there to support me, I’m really not sure if I would have made it.”

In these challenging times, your donation will help give young people safety, stability, and independence – a life free from the frightening reality of homelessness.

With incredible people like you by our side, Centrepoint continues to help homeless young people into a brighter future. On their behalf and ours, thank you!

Please do get in touch if you’d like to discuss other ways you can support our life-changing work.

Best wishes,

Jan Edwards

Mass Participation Officer

Centrepoint, 25 Camperdown Street, London, E1 8DZ 07721 520092


So sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to our Christmas collection which as you see is much appreciated and is helping the important work that Centrepoint does with young people who face difficult circumstances.

Another part of our build up to Christmas 2023 was our usual Lantern Carol Service which Mal led with help from 3 members of the Judo Club (they use our large Hall each week) taking significant parts in leading the service. We were delighted because the service was very well attended by all the Judo Club members (children, young people, and adults) filling our church and us having to bring in extra chairs!!  We were also delighted because they all heard the Christmas story about Jesus coming as a baby and how significant it is to us all.  The service ended by everyone lighting lanterns and singing ‘Away in a Manger’ We feel that this service, and our relationship with the Judo club members, is an important part of our mission work as a church and give thanks for the opportunity to work closely with those who come to Judo, young and older, throughout the year because they are an integral part of our witness here in East Blackburn

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

 Away Day 7th February 10 am until 3 pm Trinity Methodist/URC LEP  Gt Harwood.

This is open to everyone, who is able, to come along and share in a time together.

The morning will start with worship led by Doreen Goodship using ‘Godly Play’.

Then we have Mike Hart the Synod Transition Director who will help us look at our Partnership and our working with each other based on the Church Audits that we did in the latter part of the past year.

It will be a time for us to explore our resources and how we can share and help each other in our mission.  Lunch is going to be Roast Chicken, potatoes and vegetables

prepared by the ladies at Trinity Gt Harwood. Vegetarian option will be available. If you are interested in going please let us know.

The afternoon will have a series of workshops organised by individual churches so we can see what is happening in our various partnership churches and share our experiences. You won’t need to book beforehand but can move around each as takes your interest.  So far we have ‘Knit & Natter’, ‘Multisensory Prayer’, ‘Messy Church’, ‘Eco Group’, ‘Art & Crafts’ (organised by Gordon), ‘Dementia Friends’.

Please remember this day is for us all, organised by us, to be what we want.

We’ve previously had a couple of great Away Days at Barrow School and Stoneyhurst which proved to be very helpful to us all.

Please encourage as many to come along as possible, it promises to be a great day for us to share, meet new friends and see how we can support and work with each other.

Lay Preachers Workshop at Brockholes   24th February  9.30 am – 3.30 pm

This is an Away Day for those who are experienced as well as those who are new Lay Preachers just beginning who are serving our churches offering practical sign posts, Theology, and wisdom in workshops during the day. The day will be led by the Revd Rob Hoch.

Partnership Meal at Scholars Blackburn College 15th May 12noon.

This has been arranged for anyone in our Partnership. At £14/head for 4 courses this is very good value, and the food is very good! If you would like to go email Margaret Molloy at [email protected]

Trip to Saltaire Village Friday 7th June

On Friday 7th June there will be a trip to Saltaire village which is on the outskirts of Bradford.  Saltaire village takes its name from Sir Titus Salt, a textile magnate and philanthropist who built a mill (Salts Mill) and a village for his workers by the River Aire. Salts Mill was a masterpiece of its time and was hugely productive, turning out 18 miles of worsted cloth a day on 1200 looms attended to by 3000 workers. It was opened on 20 September 1853, Titus Salt’s 50th birthday, and was celebrated with a banquet for his workers in the Mill’s combing shed.  You will have the chance to take a walking tour, browse the gallery and shops in the old mill or walk along the canal or in Roberts Park and see the beautiful church where Mal’s brother was once the Minister. A coach has been booked so if you are interested in going on this trip please let Derek know.

Meeting with The Rev’d Clare Downing North West Synod Moderator

Clare will be visiting our church on 12th February at 11.30 am.  She will be seeing the work we do in the art and craft group first and then meeting with members of our church over a light lunch.  This will be an opportunity for Clare to get to know us and  us to get to know her and talk about the work we are doing at Westbury Gardens.  This is an opportunity for any of us who would like to come and meet Clare over lunch.  If you would like to come please let Derek know.  Clare will be coming to preach at our service on 18th February.


Bible Study

In our Missional Partnership we are enjoying and learning from our bible studies which have included the Holy Habits book, led by Adam, and then an Advent bible study led by Gilbert. Now our bible studies are focused on thinking about the ‘minor prophets’ that feature in the bible.  We give thanks for these studies, the fellowship and the learning that is helping all those who are taking part.  These will be followed by Gilbert leading our Lenten bible studies that lead up to Easter.

Being able to participate in bible studies, face to face, is proving enjoyable

informative, exciting and confidence building as we discover new things and enjoy the interaction between those who are taking part. If you are not already you might like to join in. Information is available about the forthcoming studies at our church, just ask one of the Elders.


Thanks from Rev Lena Talbot

Dear All,

I am taking this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you in Church for all your good wishes and lovely cards & gifts for my retirement from Leading Worship. I was ordained in 2002 so twenty-two years ago in July and have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Ministry. I have met a lot of great people and made many, many friends from being in Blackburn from 2002 till 2004 when we moved to Cottam and then again on our return to Blackburn in 2009. I have very, very happy memories of my days with you and of course as we are not going anywhere (hopefully) in the near future. I’m sure we will meet again in various places and on various occasion.

My thanks to all of you for all my memories and happy times, love, and blessings as always, Lena

On behalf of Westbury Gardens, we would like to wish Lena and Colin all the very best as they move into a new stage in their lives and express our thanks for all that Lena has done for us over the years.  We look forward to seeing Lena at various services and functions in our church or in our Missional Partnership .


Women’s World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer is when Christians in every corner of the globe follow a service prepared by the women of one country. This year it is the women of Palestine who have put together a moving service based on Ephesians 4 v 1-7 I beg you bear with one another in love. There have been Christians in this part of the world since Jesus’ time, some even speak Aramaic. The service they have prepared will take place at Trinity Brownhill URC with their ecumenical partners St Peters and Wilpshire Methodists on Friday 1st March at 7pm.  Everyone will be very welcome to attend.


Working with the Judo Club

We are beginning to find ways of offering the children that join in with Judo a bible based activity and the first one was held on Saturday 27th January.  We provided bacon butties for those gathered there and had activities for the children to take part in.  We hope this will continue each time the Judo club has a ‘grading day’.




December 23 – January 24

Dear Friends,

As the colder days and darker nights are coming, it is now that the church community springs into action a little more than normal. Warm hubs or places of welcome become even more important as the cost of living continues to impact each one of us. The Church is often the place where a warm welcome and a bowl of soup or bacon roll is waiting to be had. Christmas Carols and fayres are being planned across the Partnership and in the dark nights the twinkles of candles start to show through church windows.

Who’s excited for this advent season? I wonder what you’re most looking forward to? Or maybe this time of year just makes you want to curl up in your bed or on your sofa under a blanket and look forward to the brighter days in the new year? As an introvert I often find the endless socials, additional services to lead and Christmas fayres exhausting but very enjoyable! Last year I said I wasn’t sure how many more Christmas cakes and mince pies I could eat! I wonder if this year I can beat last years and not gain a few extra Kilos along the way!

How many Christmas lights (switch on) events do you think a Church Minister attends? Its early November while I’m writing this and I’m already at number 3! I have a few more in the diary!

The church is called to be loving neighbours to everyone, so how do we show love to everyone we meet this Advent season? For those who become over excited about Christmas and those you find it a challenge. For those who put their decorations up in September or those who only start planning on Christmas Eve. For those who are Christians and those of another faith or none. Jesus came to bring the biggest gift of our lives – LOVE – JOY and PEACE!

However you are feeling right now, let’s just be there for one another, respect each other, show care and compassion and remember while God created us all as individuals and that we were given just one command and that is to Love God and each other.

Whatever you do this advent and Christmas time, may I wish you a very special Christmas and a Happy New Year,

God Bless, Your minister Adam

Romans 15:3 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

CRCW Christmas Letter

Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe that we are fast approaching Christmas once more, wrapping presents, putting up trees and decorations, attending Advent bible studies, singing our favourite carols, and attending services as we once again prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, where has the year gone?

As you all know it’s been a difficult year here at the manse with me having to have further surgery which was touch and go at one point and I thank God I came through it.

Lorraine and I appreciated all the support, prayers, and cards we received during this difficult time and since.

On the 1st July, I began slowly getting back to work on a phased return and from December I will be working five days a week with a view to being back full time from 1st January.

On a more positive note, and despite the stress of worrying about me Lorraine qualified as a locally accredited local preacher and I am very proud of her as I’m sure you all are, watch out now that there are two Breeze’s unleashed to share the word of God in our churches.

‘Another year over a new one just begun, this will soon be true as the words of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s hit song ‘Happy Xmas war is over’ say. They of course were referring to the Vietnam war.

It is therefore very sad to see that the very land in which Jesus was born, lived, and carried out His ministry is once again at war, and I know we are all praying for the people of Israel and Palestine and those trapped in the Gaza strip as a result. We have seen and heard on the news that thousands of innocent adults and children have been needlessly killed because of war and we are all questioning why? It’s a difficult and complex situation for us to understand and feel helpless but all we can do is pray.

In the midst of this we still need to remember other wars such as Ukraine and Russia who are at war with each other, a fact which seems to have been forgotten in all this and yet their war is still continuing and again thousands are suffering.

Sadly, John Lennon’s words “War is over” is not the case all these years on and the song goes on to say…

And so this is Christmas (war is over)

For weak and for strong (if you want it)

For rich and the poor ones (war is over)

The road is so long (now)


And so happy Christmas (war is over)

For black and for white (if you want it)

For yellow and red ones (war is over)

Let’s stop all the fight (now)


A very Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let’s hope it’s a good one

Without any fear

Let’s hope the world leaders and politicisations on all sides can soon find solutions to end these wars and restore peace again in our troubled world.

Lorraine and I wish you all a joyous Christmas and a peaceful New Year and urge you all that as you celebrate Christmas ‘Go back to the first one and remember the joy and peace it brought to all’.


Your community minister


Welcome to The Rev’d Gilbert Esambe                                                                      

We would like to take this opportunity to express our delight that the Rev’d Gilbert Esambe has now been inducted to work in our Lancashire East Missional Partnership alongside Adam, Mal and Alan Barnes.  Gilbert’s Induction service went very well and was held on the 18thNovember at Revidge Fold URC when over 120 (members and others) from across our LEMP churches gathered in worship and praise to acknowledge and welcome Gilbert as a minister of Word and Sacraments to work amongst us.  We are looking forward to having him gradually buildup his connections across the LEMP churches and we as members recognise that we must do our bit to help him get to know us and so we get to know him.  We also understand that Gilbert will be sharing in ministry across the LEMP churches, alongside Adam, Mal & Alan, and therefore there is a need to have an agreed plan of how this will be done which is set out below to show how this will work between our 2 Ministers of Word and Sacraments.

Clitheroe – Gilbert – (His Manse is in Clitheroe)

Trinity Brownhill – Adam – (supporting them with their proposed merger with Revidge Fold)

Revidge Fold – Adam – (supporting them with their proposed merger with Trinity Brownhill)

Westbury Gardens – Gilbert

Trinity Gt Harwood (URC-Methodist LEP) – Mark (Methodist Minister)

Woodlands – Alan

Kingsway (Ragged School) – Alan

Trinity Lower Darwen – Gilbert

Darwen Central – Gilbert

Tockholes – Adam

DARE/Kairos – Gilbert and Daleen

Barrow Primary School – Adam and Michele Jarmany who is continuing as a school Governor.

Mal, as a community minister, will work alongside both Adam and Gilbert whilst principally working with Revidge Fold, Trinity Brownhill and Westbury Gardens in the same way that he has before.

News of our Church Family

We are pleased that Mal will soon complete his phased return to work and is hoping to be able to get back to full time working from the New Year onwards.

Our thoughts are with Lorraine as she has recently had a spell in hospital and also with Harry who has not been feeling well recently. We continue to remember Jean Gorton who is at present living in a care home and our thoughts and prayers are with Gillian and her son Martin who is not well and is waiting for surgery.  We also continue to remember Barbara and Ian and Willie and Pat who are finding it difficult to come to church but we know that they are thinking of us.  We hold all the above close in our thoughts and prayers.

Christmas Services

10th December.  Christingle Service at Revidge Fold at 4 pm led by Mal and Lorraine

19th December.  Lantern Carol Service at Westbury Gardens 7pm led by Mal and Judo

24th December   Christmas Eve service led by Gilbert.

25th December   Christmas Day Service at Trinity led by Neville at 10 am.

(Westbury Gardens will be closed on the 25th Dec so please go to Trinity)

Linden House Residential Care Home

As we know Linden House is not far from our church and over the years we have had contact with the home offering our support from time to time.  During the pandemic we kept in touch with the leadership of the home and more recently we have visited them to do some light-hearted singing which seems to have been well received. We are therefore planning to visit Linden House on the 6thDecember to sing carols and hope that those living there, as well as the staff, will enjoy our small contribution to their Christmas preparations.

South East Blackburn Food Club (SEB)                                                               

SEB community members have been running their food club for 6/7 years meeting the need of an increasing number of local families by providing food parcel for those in need at a low price.  We at Westbury Gardens have been delighted to be able to support this wonderful voluntary work that a group of the residents from the Romney Walk estate near to our church have been doing at their own initiative.  However, because of circumstances they have now brought this piece of work to an end and we, together with those local residents previously working in their food club, are now preparing to launch a Food Larder that will be housed in our church, supported by us, so it is easily accessible to local people.

Children and Young People Friendly Award                                                                 

The United Reformed Church encourages churches to be Friendly towards Children and Young people in all they are doing by being sure to include them in services and in community activities by listening and taking notice of their ideas etc. It is with this in mind that we at Westbury Gardens are doing work, with the help of Leo Roberts, the NW Synod Children and Young People’s Officer, putting together an application to be recognised as a Children and Young People Friendly Church by our National church.  This has and is involving us in thinking about the work we do and how we already consciously make efforts to include young people in everything, including worship and other activities.  When we have looked back at the work that we currently do it is quite clear that we are already doing a significant amount of work engaging with young people in various ways even though we do not have many young people attending our church.  We are of course aware that Edward makes regular contributions to our services through the readings that he does from time to time. He and a young lady called Steph who attends the Art and Craft group are willing and able to help us all to think about things from a young person’s point of view which I am sure we all agree is very important to them and to us who are a little older.  We have recently met with Leo and Adam to review our application to the National church to be recognised as a Children and Young People Friendly Church and we are hopeful that our application will be successful. If so we will be able to display a sign in and around our church to say to those passing by and to those using our church that we are a children and youth friendly congregation.  You may remember over the years we have carried out Messy Church sessions at 3 local primary schools which have been very successful, and we are now turning our attention to the possibility of us running similar sessions here within our church building and hope to develop this over the coming months in 2024.  In addition to that as we all know there are Judo sessions held twice a week in our church which attract a considerable number of young people from the ages of 5 upwards. We are in conversation with the Judo Club to see how we might build up our connections with them.  So, watch this space for new developments.  We of course welcome any thoughts, feedback, ideas that you might like to express so please share them with the Eldership.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP) –  Includes Westbury Gardens

LEMP Away Day.  This is to be held at Trinity URC, Great Harwood on Wednesday 7 February 2024. Mike Hart, Transformation Director at NW Synod will be joining us for the morning.  This is open to everyone within the LEMP.

Trip to Saltaire, Shipley, West Yorkshire. This is being arranged more details coming soon.

Gilbert.  Gilbert has expressed his profound thanks to God and to everyone involved for all the blessings he has received.  He thanked Clitheroe URC (His Manse is in Clitheroe) for all the help they have given him in providing a well-equipped manse, and to the members of LEMP for the welcome hamper he had received.  He said it was all so inviting.

His Induction went very well, and his family is very appreciative of everyone’s efforts. The Synod have been very supportive, and Daleen has been a wonderful guide showing him around. There is so much work to do he said!

Gilbert is intending to make Monday his ‘day off’ but will be available to do visits etc on Mondays from time to time if needed.

Lancashire Sings Christmas.  This will be on Monday 18 December at midday with the theme of Carers.  Lammack Methodist Church are hosting a Lancashire Sings Christmas again this year.  Everyone is welcome.   Hymn sheets are available on the Lancashire Sings Christmas website.

Interfaith.  It was unanimously agreed that interfaith work in our area is very important in helping to build and maintain good relationships between different Faiths.

Dates to remember.

7th Feb 2024 – Away Day Trinity Great Harwood

24th Feb 2024 – Lay Preachers Day

1 March 2024 – World Day of Prayer

12th May 2024 – Joint Service Clitheroe URC – Moderator General Assembly

22nd Sept 2024 – Joint Service Trinity Great Harwood LEP


As we know being alive to safeguarding issues as a family of church members is very important to us all and we must remember to be mindful of the potential risks that might occur. Everyone is therefore encouraged to report or to raise any thoughts about suspicious activities that you might be aware of and encouraged to report these concerns to our safeguarding officers – i.e. either Susan Parkinson or Derek Estill.  It is important any thoughts or uncertainties you may have are reported to Susan or Derek, and stress that it is very important that you do not act on any suspicions you may have on your own.  The United Reformed Church maintain that safeguarding is a very high priority for our whole church and of course this is also the case in our local church here at Westbury Gardens.  Should you want any more information please speak to any Elder or Susan and Derek.

Julie Rafferty as the Synod’s Lead on Safeguarding is moving to work 100%with the Mersey Synod and Yvette Hansbury will become our Synod’s Safeguarding lead. We give thanks to Julie for all she has done to help and support us and welcome Yvette as she begins her work with us in our Synod.

Remembrance Exhibition in Blackburn Library 

The Art and Craft group have produced a thought-provoking exhibition encouraging us to remember the sacrifices made by many in wars entitled ‘Shadows in Time’. By making images of soldiers using chicken wire moulded into sculptures representing soldiers placed in front of gravestones it produces an image of past sacrifices (Shadows) made by those caught up and fighting in these wars. The exhibition helped to remind us of the sacrifices that were made and believe this is a very effective and thought-provoking exhibition. Many people using the library will have seen the exhibition and will perhaps have caused them to remember those of their families or acquaintances that made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our present-day freedoms.  Alongside and opposite to this display is an exhibition showing details of the work we do at our Church (Westbury Gardens) that highlights the need to have good Interfaith relationships, particularly remembering that the ultimate sacrifices made were by people from different faiths or perhaps by those not following a faith.  We hope you had an opportunity to see the exhibition yourself.



1) What did the first ever SMS text message, sent on December 3rd 1992, read?

2) Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics ‘ all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around’?

3) Which famous scientist born on Christmas day was the first scientist to be buried in Westminster Abbey?

4) Which English author wrote the book A Christmas Carol?

5) Which spirit based sauce is traditionally poured over Christmas pudding?

6) In the Christmas song ‘Jingle Bells’, how many horses pulled the sleigh?

7) He’ s making a list and he’ s checking it twice. He’s going to know who’s naughty and nice� is taken from which Christmas song?

8) Foie gras is a French dish made from the liver of which type of animal?

9) On the seventh day of Christmas, what SSAS did my true love give to me according to the song?

10) Which Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland banned Christmas in 1647?

11) What is the most common gift received from a Christmas cracker?

12) Which British Monarch gave the first royal Christmas broadcast to his empire on Christmas Day in 1932?

13) Which Caesar ordered the census that caused Mary and Joseph to be in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth?

14) Which group of puppets had a movie which was based loosely on “AChristmas Carol” ?

15) According to the proverb, what type of horse should you never look in the mouth?

16)  Rudolph the red nose raindeer had a red nose, but did he have antlers?

17) Which fictional land never has a Christmas but it’s always winter?

18) By what means did God warn the Wise Men not to return to Herod?

19) In which German city would you find the Shrine of The Three Kings?

20) Which of Santa’s reindeer shares its name with a small solar system body

Enjoy and have a great Christmas, Mal.

Answers after next piece…….


Holocaust Memorial Day                                                                               

Each year on the 27th January we are all asked to remember the horrific events which we now refer to as the Jewish Holocaust. It is so important for us all to remember how easily such disasters can happen.  The theme for this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day is –

‘The fragility of freedom’.

In Blackburn a special gathering is held in the Town Hall each year as near to the 27thJanuary as possible.  In 2024 this will be on the 26thJanuary from 10 am – 11 am.  The Interfaith Forum, in partnership with the Town Council will be leading this memorial event with many of the secondary schools in Blackburn playing a part.

Whilst this occasion is always one to mainly focus our attention on remembering the horrors that happened principally to the Jews during the 2nd World War to guard against this happening again, it also reminds us of other horrific and similar events that have happened since the Jewish Holocaust as well as those still happening around the world in many different places. It is therefore very important that all of us are mindful of such things which is highlighted by the theme for the 2024 Holocaust Memorial Day being the fragility of freedom and reminds us how easily these sort of things can happen.  We are therefore all encouraged to include these thoughts in our own thoughts and prayers as we lead up to this event in January next year.


1) Merry Christmas!

2)  While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night

3) Sir Isaac Newton

4) Charles Dickens

5) Brandy Sauce

6) One

7) Santa Claus is Coming to Town

8) Goose or Duck

9) Seven Swans a swimming

10) Oliver Cromwell

11) NA hat (every cracker has a hat)

12) George V

13) Augustus

14) The Muppets

15) A Gift Horse

16) Yes

17) Narnia

18) In a dream

19) Cologne

20) Comet




August – September 23

Ministry of Flowers

We are grateful for the gifts of flowers for our church sanctuary which have been given during July and August from Susan and Andrew, Aftab and Fozia and Margaret and Derek.  Anyone wishing to contribute towards flowers for church in memory of a loved one, remembering a birthday or an anniversary etc please contact Margaret.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

As reported in the last newsletter the Rev’d Gilbert Esambe was planning to visit our Missional Partnership to meet people from the Partnership churches and then to preach with a ‘View’. This was arranged so we could decide whether we would like to ‘Call’ him to come and work with us in the Lancashire East Missional Partnership as a minister of Word and Sacraments.  There were social meetings held, one at Westbury Gardens in the morning of the 8th July and one in the afternoon at Clitheroe URC. Those that came to these occasions were able to meet and talk with Gilbert whilst sharing bacon butties, tea, coffee etc. at Westbury Gardens, and enjoy afternoon tea at Clitheroe. These meetings went well being good times to be together.  The 2 services that Gilbert led on Sunday the 9th were held at Darwen Central URC in the morning and in the afternoon at Revidge Fold URC.  Following these services those at each services, who were church members, were able to vote to express their feelings on whether we should ‘Call’ him or not.  The outcome was very positive with a vote of 83% in favour of issuing a ‘Call’ to him.  Gilbert then had some time to think about this and decided that he would like to accept the ‘Call’ and will therefore become a Lancashire East Missional Partnership minister.  His induction will take place on the 28thOctober in the afternoon at Westbury Gardens when our new Synod Moderator, the Rev’d Clare Downing, will induct Gilbert to serve in the LEMP as a minister of word and sacraments.  We are of course now looking forward to him coming to be with us and extend a warm welcome to him. When he arrives, he will be living in a Manse in Clitheroe.

It is proposed that Adam and Gilbert will be the ‘Named’ ministers of word and sacraments for the Lancashire East Missional Partnership churches listed below and as such will be the first point of contact for these churches for Pastoral needs and Weddings/Funerals etc. However, this does not mean that the ‘Named’ minister will do everything as this will depend on how things work out going forward, taking account of Project and other work etc. For example, Adam is already working with Westbury Gardens towards us becoming recognised as a ‘Children and Young Person Friendly Church’ and will continuing with this and other work. The ministry that Adam and Gilbert provide may also involve members of the wider ministry team and/or members of other churches.

It is recognised that as Elders are Ordained to their ministerial role it will be important for Elders to continue to work with, and alongside, the ministers of Word and Sacraments and our CRCW.

In our case, once Mal is back working and fully recovered, he will continue to work with Westbury Gardens, Revidge Fold and Trinity on community project work etc and will also be offering to lead worship at Revidge/Trinity and Westbury and so his contributions will need to be included in our Preaching Plans going forward.

The following sets out how Adam and Gilbert will work as ‘Named Ministers’ in our Partnership Churches.

ClitheroeGilbert – (His Manse is in Clitheroe)

Trinity Brownhill Adam – (supporting them with their proposed merger with Revidge Fold)

Revidge FoldAdam – (supporting them with their proposed merger with Trinity Brownhill)

Westbury GardensGilbert

Trinity Gt HarwoodMark (Methodist Minister)

Woodlands – Alan

Kingsway (Ragged School)Alan

Trinity Lower DarwenGilbert

Darwen CentralGilbert

Tockholes Adam

DARE/KiarosGilbert and Daleen

Barrow Primary SchoolAdam and Michele Jarmany who is continuing as a school Governor.

It is planned to arrange for Gilbert to preach at each LEMP church as soon as possible once he is with us to help us all to get to know each other a little better as soon as possible.


CRCW Ministry – Synod Spotlights the work of CRCWs

Claire McIntyre, Deputy Synod Clerk, has made it known that the North Western Synod want to extend thanks and appreciation to our CRCW ministers (Andy Littlejohn, Mal Breeze and Liz Kam), for all the work they do within the churches they work with as well as the wider Synod community.

Church Related Community Work is recognised by the United Reformed Church as a distinctive, exciting, and challenging ministry that is a vocation. CRCW’s share in God’s vision of the Church as an agent of social change, they recognise where the Gospel is being lived out by people and communities, even if they do not use the name of God. Working as a CRCW minister involves commitment to justice and peace and as such these ministers are not afraid of costly involvement with people. This type of community work is a challenge to both an insular Church and an uncaring society – it is not for those who want an easy life!

CRCWs are called by God, assessed, professionally trained, and paid, qualified and commissioned to an accredited ‘church-in-community’ ie the church they work with, as equal colleagues with ministers of Word and Sacraments. They are community developers who enable churches to work within their local communities. CRCWs are not employed by the church to work only on its behalf or with church members as they are there for everyone!

By calling a CRCW minister to a church, that church will become a building used by many different groups, a resource for community activities, equipped for community action, trusted, and respected by the local community and lastly a vibrant, buzzing place where all are welcome.

We at Revidge Fold, Trinity and Westbury Gardens URC’s want to say ‘thank you’ to Mal for all the work he has done and will be doing with us as churches within our Missional Partnership as he proceeds on his phased return to work.


General Assembly 2023 – Assembly is the main URC decision making body.

To get a feel for Assembly look at  When you get to this web page click on ‘United Reformed Church Home’- then Click on ‘Assembly Digest’ ‘Here’ for details, and on Images from 2023 GA ‘Here’ for pictures of people at Assembly.

Aftab and Fozia were 2 of the NW Synod Representatives to this year’s General Assembly and the following are Aftab’s reflections –

Attending GA was a privilege and a good experience as it gave a sense of belonging to the greater community of the United Reformed Church and helped us better understand the values and the future direction of the church. It provided valuable information on the work of different committees and departments, and because I am a member of the Mission Committee I was especially pleased with this committee’s report and that of the Joint Public Issues Team that campaigns to address important issues in our society and the wider world to make sure the voice of the church is heard. The NW Synod presented two resolutions and won two community project awards one was from a church Garden Project at St Johns URC Warrington and the other was

from Darwen Central URC for their work with the Darwen Asylum Seeker and Refugee project DARE that helps so many people who are in desperate need’.                  

Aftab and Fozia have also expressed the following concerns.  ‘We and others felt more is needed to make new delegates, and particularly those of Asian heritage, feel at home in a situation where many who regularly attend GA know each other and by making it clear that everyone attending are welcome irrespective of whether they are lay or ordained representatives.’


Summer Holiday Club 8th,9th,10th August followed by the Pet Blessing Service 13th August.

Work is in hand planning our Holiday Club over 3 days (8th,9th,10th August) for children ages 5 – 11 years old.  There will be fun and games, bible stories, craft activities etc and food!

We hope local children will come and spend some time with us enjoying themselves and hearing a little bit about Jesus.  If you know of any families that may be interested please get them to call 07971970803 to book a free place.

Pet Service 13th August

The Holiday Club will be followed by a Pet Blessing Service on Sunday 13th August at 10.30am, led by Mal and Lorraine Breeze.  All are welcome.

If you have a pet, or a photograph of your pet you could bring to this service please do. We’d love to see you there with or without a Pet! The service will be held outside at the back of the church, near the car park if fine, if not in the church.  The collection on that day will be for a pet charity.

Linden House

As you may know Linden House Residential Care Home is at the top of Delph Lane not far from our church. Throughout the pandemic we have kept in touch with them offering our prayers and support for what they do.  More recently some of us have visited them a couple of times, to sing songs which they can join in with and to generally show an interest in those who are living and working there, as friends from Westbury Gardens Church.  We hope to continue this work and will be visiting them again in the Autumn and in the lead up to Christmas.   Those living there do appreciate us visiting them from time to time.  Eric Howarth from Revidge Fold URC, who plays the keyboard, is a key member of the group that visits as he provides us with musical accompaniment and songs to sing which we really appreciate.

Our Work with Children

Whilst we don’t have many children attending our church services at present we are active in other ways by reaching out to children through the work that is done for example in the Judo Club that uses our building as many children take part in Judo Sessions twice a week. We also run ‘Messy Church’ sessions which we have previously done in local schools and which we are now planning to hold in our church.  In addition to these sort of activities we also respond to schools that want to visit us to find out what we do in our worship and how we reach out to meet the needs of people in the community. Over the years we have welcomed many primary and secondary school children and young people into our church and recently we were very pleased to welcome a group of sixty 15-year-olds (girls and boys), from Clitheroe Grammar school. They spent the best part of the morning with us hearing about our worship, the way we do things and how and why we relate to our communities needs in a ‘no holds barred’ question and answer session.

When we consider this work we believe that despite not having children regularly in our services we are a Children and Young person Friendly Church and that is why we are in the process of applying to the Synod to become recognised as a Children and Young People Friendly Church. If we are successful we will be given a Plaque to display in our church that tell others, who might be looking for a church, that we welcome children and young people in all we do..

Adam is helping us to make this application and we give him thanks for his willingness to work in this way with us.


April 23 – May23

Dear Friends,

Depending when you are reading this, I hope you are having a blessed time of Lent and hearing from God or you have had a great Easter and not eaten too many chocolate eggs!

During February half term, I had the privilege to journey up Snowdon with a good friend. We had a great time, although my legs were in a lot of pain and my friend had to put up with me moaning allot! The views were worth it. Its so amazing to see God’s creation and how peaceful it is when you are several hours from roads or towns. Both of the lent courses I have recommended this year tie into this. Eco and prayer. Its great to experience creation in its natural form and it almost makes you pray. I spent some time on my own away from my friend, I couldn’t see anyone in any direction and I prayed – I prayed for my friend, I prayed for myself, it remined me of the passage in Mark 1 where Jesus spends time in the wilderness at the start of his ministry waiting to hear from God. Jesus spent time being tested, being guided and just being. Time to stop and just be is so important in this busy world we live in.

So why am I telling you all of this? What did my time in the wilderness of Snowdon tell me about our Missional Partnership? First of all I think we might be being told to be patient. Lots is happening in the Partnership, many changes have or are happening. I am really thankful at how churches are coming together to travel this faith journey together. In Clitheroe, Churches are joining up on Eco matters, Refugees and Asylum seekers and Warm and Welcome Spaces. Blackburn North has relaunched Churches together with a new name “Christians Together in North Blackburn” and we had a great service together at Revidge Fold in January. Westbury Gardens are looking at ways to join together in this area and Darwen Church clergy have just had the first gathering after many years with many new faces. And of course I enjoy the Lammack Walk of Witness with the Donkey! This is just a snapshot so apologies for not including everyone!

After Easter we will be continuing the Partnership Bible Study where we will be looking at the Old Testament book of Daniel. This takes place each Wednesday (starts 19th April) 7pm at Revidge Fold. Everyone welcome, we start with brews and biscuits and have some laughs as well as some interesting and varied discussions. You are welcome to come and listen or take part, no judgment just lots of kindness, friendship and journeying together.

Also Save the Date: Our first Partnership Away Day that’s open to all will take place on Saturday 3rd June at Brockholes Nature Reserve, Samlesbury.  We will welcome Alison Gray from Westminster College leading us looking at the book of Psalms and how they talk about our journey together – This is one not to miss, Watch out for more details.

So what has God said to you during your Lent journey? – I would love to hear your thoughts through email or even a post card! God Bless you in this new season… your minister, Adam

East Lancashire Missional Partnership Minister – Tel 01254 941677 – [email protected]


News of our Church Family and Friends

At the time of writing this newsletter we are pleased to be able to say that Mal has now had the operation he has been waiting a long time for.  He is at present recovering in hospital which will take time and we of course hold him and Lorraine in our heartfelt prayers and thoughts and are thankful he is now able to concentrate on getting fully better.  We therefore send him and Lorraine our best wishes for his full recovery.

We are pleased to say that Harry is now feeling a little better and feel sure we will be seeing him at church before too long.

We are thinking about Jill (Susan and Andrew’s daughter) who is at present in hospital having investigations done.  We are holding Jill, Susan, and Andrew and all their family in our thoughts and prayers.

It is with sadness that we heard that Joan Wignall died recently. We remember her with much affection remembering all the years she had been a member at Westbury Gardens.   Several of us were able to attend her funeral at the Pleasington Crematorium in Blackburn which was well attended.   The service was also linked by video to members of her family in America and South Africa.


Whilst it is most important that we still take care to avoid taking risks of catching and spreading Covid we have decided it is now possible to take down the warning notices relating to Covid at church.  We will however still have sanitising gel and some masks available to use and encourage everyone to use them.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP) News

All churches who are members of the LEMP have been asked to do a church audit reviewing their present work and how they see their future over the next 4 or 5 years.  It is important for us to be clear about this because it will help us all work together and where necessary help each other in ways that seek to build our Christian presence across East Lancashire.

We at Westbury Gardens have prepared our response to the request for a ‘Church Audit’ and will be making our contribution towards understanding the strengths that we have and the challenges that we face in our Missional Partnership.  More news of this once the Missional Partnership Steering Group has had time to gather and share the responses and find ways of using what is said in appropriate ways to help us all move forward together.

Our first Partnership Away Day, open to all, will take place on Saturday 3rd June at Brockholes Nature Reserve, Samlesbury.  We will welcome Dr Alison Gray from Westminster College who will lead us in looking at the book of Psalms and how they talk about our journey together.  Alison is the Director and Tutor in Old Testament studies who joined Westminster College in July 2016, having previously been Director of Studies and Tutor on the Old Testament at a sister college in Cambridge – Adam has said ‘This is one not to miss.’

Those wishing to go please let Derek know as soon as you can so that we can book you in and if necessary, arrange transport. 


As we approach Easter, we are planning to do the following

30th March     6.30pm – 7.30pm – Give out tea, coffee and hot cross buns to parents and

others at the Judo Session.

31st March       2.00pm – 3.00 pm – Visit to Linden House.  A group of us will be singing

some Easter related songs to those living in ‘Linden House’                                   Care Home.  We will be accompanied by Eric Haworth on

his keyboard and will be taking Easter cards and Easter

cakes for each of the residents.

6th April         7.00 pm         Agape Meal and Communion’ at Kingswaywith meat or

vegetarian pie.   The Love Feast, or Agape Meal, is a Christian fellowship meal recalling the meal Jesus shared with disciples during his ministry, expressing koinonia (community, sharing, fellowship) enjoyed by the family of Christ.  An Agape Meal is a very happy way for Christians to enjoy each other’s company! It fits well with Maundy Thursday and the institution of the Lord’s Supper.

Note! Please let Derek know if you would like to attend and any dietary requirements you may have by 2nd April.  Please also let him know if you need transport.

7th April          10.30 am        Good Friday Service at Trinity URC, Brownhill. (Westbury

Gardens closed)

9th April          10.30 am        Easter Sunday Service led by the Rev’d Adam Woodhouse

including Holy Communion at Westbury Gardens.

10th April        10.30am – 12.30pm Easter Coffee morning with Hot Cross buns, small cakes,

tea/coffee for everyone, free of charge

Coronation Afternoon Tea 8th May

This will be an occasion when we can celebrate the coronation of King Charles the 3rd together.  This is a very important time in the life of our nation and our community and we therefore hope that as many of us as possible will be able to join us in marking this important occasion by enjoying an ‘Afternoon Tea’, a Raffle, Tombola, and a Quiz. Tickets are available at a cost of £5.  Money raised will be in support of one of King Charles’ charities. We will decide between us which one to support on the day.  We hope therefore that as many of our church members as possible, as well as those from within our local community, will be able to come and spend time together marking this special occasion.

3C’s Café every Monday morning 10.30 – 12.30  at Westbury Gardens

As we are approaching the better weather, we hope that all of us will promote the 3C’s Café as much as possible encouraging friends and neighbours to spend an hour or so together in friendly conversation over a cup of tea/coffee, biscuits, or a piece of toast.  As we know it is always good to talk and to spend time together and we hope that our 3C’s Café will provide an opportunity for us and others to meet and talk with each other.  Hope to see you all and others there.

Bible Studies

We are continuing our Lent Bible studies on Zoom each Tuesday and Thursday evening throughout Lent.  Each Tuesday evening is an Eco Bible study and Thursday evening a Lectio Bible study using the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. All are welcome details on how to join from Derek.

After Easter we will be continuing our Partnership Bible Study by studying the Old Testament book of Daniel. This will take place each Wednesday (starts 19th April) 7pm at Revidge Fold. Everyone welcome.  If you would like to join in please make a note in your diary and turn up on the day, you will be most welcome. We start with light refreshments and chat before getting down to the bible study.  These sessions are proving to be very enjoyable occasions that enable us to be free to engage in debate about the passages we are studying under the guidance of Adam.  As we all know it is good to increase our knowledge and confidence in our Faith and these study occasions help us to do just that.  We hope to see you there.

Locally based Non-Stipendiary Ministry (NSM4)

As you know Aftab Mughal has felt a ‘Call’ to serve our church and local community by training to become a Non-Stipendiary Minister of Word and Sacraments working with the community that surrounds our church.  At the time of writing Aftab is soon to have his assessment interviews at Westminster College in Cambridge as the next necessary step to being invited to train for this important ministry. Our thoughts and prayers are with him as he explores and tests the ‘Call’ he feels he has.

Aftab and Fozia have direct experience of being Refugees and Asylum seekers and because of this they feel they have a Calling to reach out and work with those who are currently members of the Refugee and Asylum-Seeking communities here in Blackburn.  They, and their family members, have been doing great work in this regard for several years and recently have started a Harmony Community Café in the centre of Blackburn, currently meeting in the Quakers’ Meeting House, with the possibility of moving to the Exchange opposite the Town Hall.  This work is going well and attracting many of the Refugees and Asylum-seeking communities. It is hoped that in time there will be a connection between the work that is being done in the centre of town and here in our 3C’s Café at Westbury Gardens.  Whilst this is an aspiration at present it is felt it is a possibility which we should seek to nurture.  We hope, over the next few months, to explore this possibly with the help of Aftab and Fozia.  Such work we believe is important to us as Christians because we are charged with living out the love of God in all we do and say in this place.

Improvements to our Kitchen and Foyer

As you will recall we have for some time now, in response to our Open Day been looking to find ways of engaging more with those living in the local community.  To help us to do this we have identified a need to update our cooking facilities as the present cooker is now more than 40 years old and feeling its age.  Andrew has done tremendous work in finding a suitable alternative and this will be fitted into the kitchen over the next few weeks.  The money to pay for this new cooker will come from our Mission fund created when our Manse became part of the Synod Manse Scheme.  This we hope will help us to develop our mission in our locality because food and the ability to provide hot food will be important as we go forward.

In addition, we are updating the appearance and feel of our Foyer because it is an asset that will enable us to meet and greet people in an easy, relaxed way in a friendly space.  Thanks to Andrew for the work he has and is doing to improve the feel and appearance of the Foyer. Thanks also to Gordon for his innovative work in producing round tables of different heights from old ones which I think you will agree gives our Foyer a much more appealing and friendly feel and appearance. We are therefore looking forward to enjoying this together and are sure it will help enhance the appeal of the 3C’s Café.

Your thoughts and comments on any of the above are more than welcome.

Commitment for Life

Westbury Gardens’ partner in Commitment for Life is Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.  As you will have seen on the news in recent times there is considerable unrest in Israel/Palestine, and this continues to dominate people’s lives.  In Palestine there are very few spaces for children to spend quality time with their peers and parents in public places.  Christian Aid partners with YWCA of Palestine working in the West Bank with vulnerable communities and in 2022 hosted various workshops with local communities to identify key vulnerable abilities and needs within their communities and then worked with them to develop appropriate strategies to address these needs.  High on the agenda was the need for spaces for children and families to use safely.  Our support for Commitment for Life, through Christian Aid, therefore, continues to be very important and we as the community at Westbury Gardens URC are reminded how important our support, through giving and prayer, is to those living in such difficult circumstances.  It is therefore important to maintain our commitment and active support for this work in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. Thanks to all of us who maintain an active interest and involvement in this work.

Christian Aid Week 14th May – 20th May

As usual we want to support Christian Aid week as much as we can so that we raise money for the important work that Christian Aid does in so many ways.

With Every Gift – Every Action – Every Prayer- Every One of Us Can Change Lives.  Envelopes will soon be available to make donations so please take one, or more if you would like to, and return to Margaret as soon after 20th May as possible.



January 23 – March23

Dear Friends,

John 8:12 – Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

While many things seem closer to “normal” compared to the past few years as we start this new year, in many ways things also look more challenging than ever. With the Cost of Living crisis, strikes and wars etc. However, I keep bringing to mind the words of the above scripture. Jesus the light of the world. In these dark times we have Jesus to guide us through. At our recent Partnership Bible Studies held at Revidge Fold we have been challenged to be ready to talk about our faith in Christ. We have a powerful message that is very very important to communicate in these times.

We are very good at welcoming the stranger into our buildings by providing coffee mornings, art groups, warm and welcoming spaces to name a few but do we tell people about the light of the world? 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) says But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

If there is nothing else we can do to help practically other than offer a coffee with a smile, lets also share the reason we all do what we do, that we love Jesus and Jesus is the light in these and all times.

2023 is already looking busy around the partnership with many special events starting to take shape, as the cost of living continues to bite, lets be part of the light that Jesus shines on our local communities. We have space, we have tea and coffee and we have smiles.

Lets be ready to welcome who ever is going to walk through the doors of our buildings this year, lets be ready for the unexpected visitor, lets share the good news that we hold of the love that God has for everyone and ensure no one goes away not feeling warmer and happier than they arrived.

May God Bless you as we continue to work together in mission and ministry through 2023.

Adam Woodhouse

East Lancashire Partnership Minister

[email protected]

News of our Church Family and Friends

It is with great sadness that we heard that Ossie Morgan had died.  We remember Ossie with much affection as someone who attended worship regularly and was always willing to support and take part in events that we as a church had arranged.  Ossie will be buried in Jamaica at the end of February and there is some thought of having a memorial service later.  We are planning to send a message from our church for the family to take to Jamaica. A message of sympathy and flowers have been given to Owen, Ossie’s son.

We continue to think of all our friends who are not feeling very well at the moment.  Mal is waiting for further surgery, and we hold both Mal and Lorraine in our thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome.  Harry has not been very well but is now feeling much better and we think of Willie who finds it very difficult to get to church. We remember both Harry and Willie and all those who are not well in our thoughts and prayers.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership News

The Rev’d Michele Jarmany has recently retired from full time ministry at Clitheroe URC.  There was a special retirement service held at Clitheroe URC on the 29th January, which was very well attended, followed by cakes and tea and coffee.  Michele will be continuing as a Trustee of the Barrow URC Primary School which is part of our Missional Partnership.    We take this opportunity to wish Michele all the very best in her retirement and would like to express our sincere thanks for all she has done across the Lancashire area serving on the Pastoral committee and in many other ways across our Partnership.

Elders’ Training day at Stonyhurst College for the Lancashire Area

80+ Elders from across the Lancashire area spent a day at Stonyhurst College learning more about the work of Elders, sharing information and thinking about how we can take things forward. Everyone felt this was all very worthwhile and enjoyed spending time together.

Safeguarding Course

A course was held at our church on refreshing our Safeguarding Training. 24 people from across the Lancashire Missional Partnership churches attended. As you know this is a very important aspect of our life together as a church. Details about Safeguarding etc are on the Notice Board by the kitchen hatch and our Policy is in the Key Cupboard should you want to look at it and we as Westbury Gardens URC take this very seriously.

Synod Moderator – Information to churches from the Synod

You will be aware that our Synod has not had a Synod Moderator working with us for some time and that the situation is now able to move on and so events in November 2022 meant that the process for the appointment of a Transitional Moderator for North Western Synod was able to move forward quite swiftly and successfully at the end of the year. Meetings of the North Western Synod and Assembly nominations groups early in December led to a meeting with Revd Clare Downing just before Christmas to consider, together, whether she might be the right person to work with us over the next few years. Following those conversations, Clare accepted the invitation to become our Transitional Moderator and will start in post in June 2023. I am delighted to be able to confirm this news to you early in the New Year, and hope you agree that this is such a positive start to 2023. It is intended that Clare will take on that role until 2026, by which time North Western Synod will be in a position to call and appoint a new Moderator to serve for the usual 7 year term. Revd Elizbeth Gray-King, as Synod Pastor; Revd Richard Bradley, who has been attending the Moderators’ meetings on Synod’s behalf, and the members of Synod Executive will all continue to support North Western Synod during the next six months as we prepare for Clare’s arrival . Huge thanks are due to all of them for their work, determination and commitment over the past two years, and for their willingness to continue doing so until June. Elizabeth Gray-King will remain in post to ensure a good hand-over for Clare before Elizabeth stands down as our Synod Pastor later this year. Elizabeth continues to be available to anyone who would value a conversation with her,and would be very pleased to hear from you. I very much hope that 2023 will be a happy and forward looking year for Synod, and for all of us, and I send very best wishes for the year to come.

Tim Hopley,

Synod Clerk

Revd Samuel Silongwe

You will recall that we had an expression of interest from a minister expressing an interest in coming to work with the Lancashire East Missional Partnership Churches.

The Revd Samuel Silongwe came to Preach with a View and following the Preach-with-a View weekend to discern whether a ‘Call’ could be issued to Revd Samuel Silongwe to become a minister within the Missional Partnership, the vote failed to achieve the necessary 80% positive vote, and hence a ‘Call’ has not been issued. The Vacancy will therefore continue to be declared on the ministers’ vacancy list and we will await any further interest. The Steering group thanked us for our prayers and work through this process and asked that we pray for Samuel and his family that Samuel may discern where God is leading him to serve in his future ministry.

Events over Christmas

On Friday evening of December 9th, we had a visit from Blackburn People’s Choir who gave us a concert of Christmas related songs.  The church was decorated with lanterns and a Christmas tree and was well attended and enjoyed by all.  We hope we will be able to do something similar again.

On Thursday evening 15th December a Christmas Lantern service was held led by Adam and Alice and was enjoyed by everyone who attended.  The church was almost full with members of the Judo club of all ages taking part. This was followed by mince pies, biscuits and tea and coffee.  Everyone, young and old, enjoyed singing Christmas carols.

Our Christmas Collection this year was for the Kairos Housing Project which supports homeless Asylum seekers. We are pleased to say we raised £112 which has been sent to help the work they are doing.  We have received a very appreciative response from Kairos.

Linden House Care Home

During the Covid pandemic we made efforts to keep in contact with the leaders at Linden House Care Home letting them know that we were thinking about the good work that they are doing and offering to come and sing some carols for Christmas.  Unfortunately, due to circumstances we were not able to go until January when a group of 6 of us from Westbury Gardens, and Eric Howarth from Revidge Fold, who brought his keyboard to provide accompaniment, were able go and provide some singing entertainment for about an hour. We sung many old favourite songs which were much appreciated with some of the residents joining in.  It is hoped that we will be able to continue this connection so we gradually build up our support for those living and working in the Home over the coming months.

3C’s Café every Monday morning at Westbury Gardens

As you know we have started to hold a Community Café on Monday mornings and whilst this has attracted one or 2 people, we are hoping to build this up over the next 12 months so that it becomes a regular rendezvous for people to enjoy light refreshments and share friendly conversations.  We also have in mind to be a venue for local Councillors surgeries and other organisations that can provide help for those in the local community.

With all this in mind we are considering how we might develop the Foyer and will soon be able to show some ideas for us all to agree on and we also hope to soon have an external sign to display outside our church which will help to promote the café.

Bible Studies

On the back of this newsletter is information about two Lent Course/Bible Studies – One is a Lent Eco Bible Study on Tuesday evenings and the other is about ‘How to hear God by Praying the Bible’ using the ancient practice of ‘Lectio Divina’. This will be on Thursday evenings on Zoom.

Following on from our successful Advent bible study Adam is leading an ‘in person’ Bible Study each Wednesday evening from 7 pm – 8.30 pm which is proving to be very interesting and stimulating.

It is not too late to join us for the next 5 Wednesdays as we continue through Revelation 1-3 until 1st March 7pm at Revidge Fold URC. If you would like more information please contact Adam, Neville, Margaret, or Derek.

Prayer meetings

Every Tuesday morning 9.30 – 10 am on Zoom a prayer meeting is held and everyone is welcome.

Judo Club.

As you know the Judo Club that meets at our church has a strong connection with us and really appreciates our help and support which enables them to do good work in the community. The sessions are very well attended with classes for children (boys and girls) as well as for teenagers and adults. The club is doing well and attracts many from the local area and further afield to take part in what is both an enjoyable pass time that builds physical fitness, friendships, respect for others and  sporting and life skills in an enjoyable atmosphere.

We as a Church are very pleased that we can support and help promote the work of the club which we have been doing for over 20 years, originally through BEACH (Blackburn East Area Community Help) Sporting Club and continuing since as a church.

The Judo Club is now a separate organisation affiliated to the British Judo Association and can point to major successes both in Judo and in the positive affect it has on the lives of the members which has led to some of them going on to National and International success in competitions and taking on national and international leadership roles for example as the Coach of the Irish Judo National Team and in a leading role in Australia

We at Westbury are delighted to have helped nurture their successes and look forward to continuing this positive outreach and are pleased to say that the Club is appreciative of our continuing support and encouragement.

Different Service Styles

Whilst we all love and appreciate the way we conduct worship week by week we feel that it would be good occasionally to use a different way of worship. With this in mind Alice has recently led a ‘Prayer Station’ Service which enable us to spend time in thoughtful/prayerful contemplation. We have also had two other services that used conversational exchanges to explore our thoughts and feelings during the service instead of a Sermon. All these services used a more informal seating arrangement modelled on a Café Style but without the Coffee.

Those who took part have found this to have been a positive experience that it is thought promoted and encouraged conversations and exchanges after the service over light refreshments.

We believe there is a place for this style of worship which is both useful and worthwhile in helping us to deepen our faith.

Fair Trade Fortnight – Monday February 27 to Sunday March 12 2023

For two weeks each year thousands of groups, companies and individuals get together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and grow the cotton in our clothing, people who are very often underpaid and exploited. It’s easy to just pick something off the shelf without giving a thought to where it came from, but it has certainly become more apparent in the last couple of years that we are living in an interconnected world and we rely on each other.

The two-week annual campaign runs from 27 February – 12 March. This year it will focus on the climate crisis and the increasing threat it poses to some of the planet’s most beloved food products as well as the livelihoods of the farmers and agricultural workers who grow them.

Fair Trade Fortnight celebrates the progress the Fairtrade movement has made towards a world of fairer trade and sustainable livelihoods. We can all support the Fair Trade movement not just during the Fortnight but all year round by buying Fair Trade goods whenever possible.

We would also encourage everyone to use as little plastic as possible. If we all make an extra effort to look for plastic free products and ones using less plastic, we will be doing our bit to help our world and climate change.  Another small thing we can all do is to recycle paper, plastic, tins etc., whenever possible.


December 22 –  January 23

Dear Friends,

Once again as we approach Advent and Christmas season, we can reflect back on a year that has again been a bit of a roller-coaster of a year! I am sure along with the challenges there have been many things to give praise and glory to Jesus. I have been reminded recently to remember even with the challenges in life, we are so privileged in this country. This year we have prayed for those in Pakistan who experienced a flood, Ukraine as they experience war and as I am writing this letter, I hear news of an earthquake in Indonesia. Of course, this is just a small snap shot with many other things both in and out of the mainstream news.

More locally we are dealing with the cost of living going up and setting up warm hubs to allow people to come for a warm meal and drink. But doesn’t this remind you of the real message of Christmas? An expectant mother and father finding shelter in a borrowed room and the saviour of the world being born. I wonder if the Inn keeper had any idea who they were hosting? For those of us who are running warm hubs, coffee mornings, lunch clubs, art groups, Scouts and Guides etc etc – perhaps we are not hosting the earthly parents of Jesus, but maybe an angel or two? Maybe the future scientist who will make a big breakthrough on climate change? A future Pastor or Elder, maybe someone who is lonely and just by being open you have literally saved their lives in a moment of crisis. We will never know who may be knocking on our door next but let’s think a little differently this year. We are having a cost of living crisis, so instead of thinking what present to buy that will only be used once and set aside, but instead smile a bit more, offer more tea and coffee, offer a slice of cake instead of a biscuit and above all lets be a blessing (which costs nothing) and tell everyone we meet that we love them and that Jesus loves them.

Have an amazing Christmas, be a blessing to one another and receive God’s blessing and enjoy time to be together with friends, family and even a few new ones.

And a Happy New Year,

Adam Woodhouse

Minister of The East Lancashire Missional Partnership

News of our Church Family and Friends

We continue to think of all our friends who are not feeling very well at the moment, this includes Mal, Lorraine and Willie and we hold them close in our thoughts and prayers.  We also include in our prayers Neville who has been suffering with dizziness for a few weeks, we are pleased to hear he is beginning to improve.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership – 50th Anniversary of the URC

As you know on Sunday 16th October The Lancashire East Missional Partnership met together at Westbury Gardens to mark the 50th Anniversary of the United Reformed Church.  The act of worship, which saw 130+ members and friends of the partnership churches plus representatives from Barrow URC School, DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise) and Kairos Housing, joined together for a service led by Rev’d Adam Woodhouse (Partnership Minister) and Rev. Mike Aspinall (Partnership Convenor) with Rev. Dr. John Bradbury (URC General Secretary) preaching.  We were also pleased that members of the local and international community including a new charity called Community Harmony joined us.  After the service everyone shared a meal and stayed to chat until a rowan tree was planted to mark the event.  As well as celebrating the 50th Anniversary it was such an important step in bringing greater meaning and relevance to the Missional Partnership as we get to know each other better.

Elders’ Retreat Day at Stonyhurst College Heritage Centre on 12th November

We were so pleased that Nicola McArdle, the Head Teacher of the Barrow Primary School, a URC school, was able to join us to talk about the work of the school which is such an important part of our Missional Partnership.  She showed us a video that the children had made about the work of the school which the children were a central part of.  Everybody thought it gave a very good description of the work and the ethos of the school.  This retreat was not all work because those who wanted to were able to go on a walk in the grounds and surrounding area of the school.  For those who didn’t want to walk they were able to use a prayer labyrinth to guide their thoughts.  Everyone who took part in this gathering thought it was a very worthwhile day and something we can, and should, repeat in the future.

Lancashire East Missional Partnership Ministry

As you know at the moment Adam Woodhouse is working as a Minister of Word and Sacraments across the 10 churches and there is a plan that he should be joined by another minister to share ministry across the partnership.  There is the prospect of a new minister coming to find out more about the work we do.  There will be an opportunity on the 10th December for us to meet him and his wife in social gatherings at Trinity Brownhill URC between 10 am – 12 midday and at Darwen Central URC between 2 pm – 4 pm when we will be able to talk together with him.  On the Sunday 11th December the prospective minister will be ‘preaching with a view’ both at Clitheroe URC at 10.30 am and then in the afternoon at Revidge Fold URC at 2 pm.  It is hoped that as many of our church members, as possible, from each of the Missional Partnership churches will be able to meet with him on the Saturday and then hear him preach on the Sunday.  A vote on whether to ‘Call’ him to be a minister working amongst us will be taken after the services on the Sunday.  He will then be able to decide, after meeting us, whether he feels ‘Called’ to be a minister working amongst us.  This is a very important time in the life of our Missional Partnership, and we urge everyone to take part in this important weekend.

3C’s Café every Monday at Westbury Gardens

This is a new initiative to provide a safe and warm place for people to meet each Monday Morning until early afternoon.  We are hoping to be able to build on this so that it becomes a natural place for people to gather to meet and greet each other and to be a place where various agencies from the town can come and offer their expertise/knowledge for local people to use.   The café is free, so you are welcome to come along to enjoy a toasted teacake, a cup of coffee/tea and a cake.  There is also free access to the internet, and it is a warm place for people to meet.  As part of this we have been leafleting the whole area with information about the café, as well as other events, such as the Blackburn People’s Choir concert on the 9th December and the Lantern service to be held on 15th December.

Westbury Talks

As you may recall over recent times we have begun to hold what we term ‘Westbury Talks’ which are occasions to hear about different things and to learn more about activities that take place both in our neighbourhood and wider afield.  These occasions are followed by a lunch and a time to talk and share time together.  The most recent one of these was finding out about what a General Assembly Moderator does and some information about the visit Derek Estill, as a General Assembly Moderator, made to Israel/Palestine.  This visit was to find out more about the difficult situation that persist there between the Palestinian and Jewish Communities.  This of course is a big topic and one which is very difficult, but we hope that by talking and exchanging information about it together will help us better understand and be able to support/contribute, as Christians living in Blackburn, where we can.  This gathering also included a Christmas stall, raffle, cakes and tombola and we are pleased to say we raised £270 towards the work of our church.  These occasions are held 2 or 3 times a year and the next on will be in the Spring of 2023 when we will learn about the work of an Islamic charity called

Al-Imdadd and what they do worldwide helping others in a similar way to charities such as Christian Aid.

1st Mondays Group and Art and Craft Group

As you know our 1st Mondays group meet monthly to enjoy time together when guest speakers talk about interesting topics and sometimes there is a games afternoon or an afternoon tea.  This group enjoys time together as well as learning about interesting topics.  All are welcome to come along.

The Art and Craft group enjoys time together every Monday to develop their expertise at all sorts of art and craft skills.  There is a group of 16/17 who meet regularly under the tuition of Gordon Mellody who is a very good artist in his own right.

All are welcome to join these groups and if you would like to know more about either of these groups please contact Margaret Estill.

As we approach Christmas members from both these groups are planning to enjoy a Christmas Meal together building up friendships by spending time together enjoying what we hope will be a very good celebration as we approach Christmas.

Lantern Service

In recent times over the last few years we have had a Christmas Tree service and the preceding week before Christmas have trimmed up the church with many decorated trees which has been very successful with lots of people enjoying this display.  Last year we changed the format and focused on lanterns symbolising Jesus being the light of the world and this too was very successful so this year we are continuing on this theme and on the 15th December we will be holding our Lantern Service.  All are welcome to come on 15th December at 7.30 pm to join in this celebration and we are pleased to say that the members of the Judo Club will also be part of this gathering which Adam and Alice will lead for us.  After the service there will be tea/coffee and mince pies and good fellowship time.

Bible Study

As we all know bible study is the central part of our Christian life and it is important that we spend time in study and thinking about what the bible tells us about how we as Christians should live our lives as we follow the teachings of Jesus walking the way and living the life of Jesus today, tomorrow and the next day.  Our Advent bible study began on the 30th November and continues through until Christmas which Adam will lead for us.  The bible study is every Wednesday evening at 7 pm held at Revidge Fold URC and all are welcome to come along.  This Advent bible study will be followed in the new year by a Lenten bible study, details of this will be publish in the coming weeks in good time for us to be prepared to be engaged in that study which leads us up to Easter.  If you would like to find out more please don’t hesitate to ask one of the Elders or our Minister the Rev’d Adam Woodhouse.  If you need a lift to Revidge Fold URC then we are sure arrangements can be made just let us know.

Our Lady and St John’s Catholic College North Road

Our Lady and St John’s Catholic College is a Secondary School on North Road not far from our church and they have invited members of our congregation to a Community Christmas Party on the 15th December between 2 pm – 3 pm which we are delighted to accept and those of us who are able to will go along.  We have over the years done work with this school and are very pleased to be able to develop this connect still further.

Census puts Church’s role in the spotlight

You will have seen and heard on the radio/TV/newspaper that a recent census has shown that fewer people in our country are following the Christian Faith or at least are saying that they don’t.   However, whilst this may well be true, we as a Christian Church continue to do all we can to follow Jesus’ teachings in our lives.  The work we do at Westbury Gardens URC is therefore, as ever, very important.  Our worship each week and the work we do in our community has the potential to be a significant influence in our community and wider afield.   We know of course that church attendance generally is much less than it used to be.  Society is now so different with so many other interests and hobbies etc., being followed as well as the endless and persistent advertising of many different things that come directly into our houses through the radio, television, and the internet.  It seems therefore that there is an ever increasing importance of how we maintain our presence in communities.  It is therefore important that we live out our faith sharing the love of God in every way and in all aspects of our lives.  The census is an interesting and informative indicator of how our society is changing.  This provides us with a clear objective as Christians to make sure that we live out the example that Jesus left with us to share his love for all creation by being his disciples and maintaining our presence in our communities.

Blackburn People’s Choir Concert 9th December

We are all looking forward to the Blackburn People’s Choir concert on the 9th December when we will be able to listen to the choir and also join in with some of the Christmas songs.  The choir sing unaccompanied and are a very well known choir singing all over the County and have also sung abroad.  Tickets are available from Margaret 01254 852804.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Foodbank and Finances

As I am sure you are all aware times are difficult at the moment, families are struggling to buy food and keep their houses warm.  If you feel you would like to help towards these difficult times we collect food for the Blackburn Foodbank each week or if you prefer you could make a cash donation to the Foodbank so they are able to buy items they know families are in need of.

Also, we as a church, are feeling the effect of the increasing cost of living so any donations you may like to make towards producing the newsletter, our buying the flowers we display in church each week, or perhaps helping us to meet the increase in our running costs would be very much appreciated.



October – November 22

Dear Friends,

As I sit here writing this letter, we are in a period of national mourning for Elizabeth II. I am sure we can all remember where we were when the news broke. For me I was at The Boys’ Brigade National HQ on a Bridge Builders: Transforming Conflict course. I was eating dinner with 20 other clergy from various denominations. I am sure it will be one of those times that will stick in our minds.

Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered for her faith, which formed her care and compassion for the people she served. This is yet another change in a period of time that seems to be full of change. We need to remember the life of Queen Elizabeth II and honour her by looking after each other. Some may need space and quiet, while others need company. However your feeling at this time, lets recall the Queen’s Covid message of 2020, “we will meet again.  When we do, we’ll have changed again.  What never changes is the eternal love of God, present by Holy Spirit in our bodies, reminding us of the generous Love of Jesus who healed all who would ask.  We set ourselves inside that eternal presence and take time to receive that eternal peace.”

In these continued times let’s try even harder to show and live by the fruits of the Spirit:- Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

If you are struggling please reach out to a Minister, Elder or a friend, even if all we can do is be a friend to listen and pray for you, that would be an honour.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift up his countenance upon

you and give you peace. (Numbers 6)


Adam Woodhouse


Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the United Reformed Church

As you will know this year is a big celebration of 50 years as the United Reformed Church and this is being celebrated in various places across the country.  The main celebration was to be held on 1st October at the Methodist Central Hall in London but unfortunately this has had to be postponed because of the rail strikes.  It is thought that this will now be held in the New Year date to be advised.  We locally, as you know, will be celebrating this special anniversary at Westbury Gardens on 16th October.  This will be a special service for all the churches in the Lancashire East Missional Partnership.  We are delighted to say that the General Secretary of the United Reformed Church the Rev’d Dr John Bradbury will be with us on that day and will be preaching during the service.  We hope therefore that there will be good representation from each of the churches in our Missional Partnership which we estimated may be in the order of 100 people attending.  After the service we will share a buffet lunch together and plant a tree in our church car park to mark this special occasion.  The Rev’d Dr. John Bradbury will perform the planting ceremony with help from others.  We hope you will make a special note in your diaries and look forward to seeing you all on 16th October for the service which starts at 10.30 and that you will be able to stay for lunch and the tree planting.


What is the United Reformed Church for?

This is a question that has been raised and perhaps has been in your minds before.  It is a question that is considered in the October issue of the URC’s Reform magazine where previous General Secretaries have written about this.  There will be a special issue of Reform commemorating this 50th Anniversary and copies have been ordered so that we can each have one.  We will let you know when they arrive.  In the October issue previous General Secretaries have sought to give answers to this question and the Rev’d Dr. John Bradbury, the present General Secretary, has said we are to glorify God.  At its simplest this is what we are for.  It is our vocation along with the whole Church universal.  We do so in our worship, witness, evangelism, and service.  We are at our best, ever alert to the movement of the Holy Spirit.  We read and re read scripture, finding things we had not noticed before.  In the light of hearing the good news of the transformation Christ offers afresh for each time and place.  The freedom we find within our worship to shape its words, images, and activities anew is the sign of a Faith alive and active.  We are therefore a sign of possibility.  In 1972 a top-down and bottom-up pair of churches came together in ways that should never have worked and yet they have.  As a United Church, our vocation is to bear witness to the impossible things God has done and continues to do.  We are a sign of the kind of community we await in God’s realm.  We believe we discern God’s will better together than apart.

We allow ourselves to be shaped by these relationships in the World Council of Churches and we play our part in witnessing to the God of all creation.


Churches Mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Church buildings throughout the UK have been open for private prayer and reflection as well as services following the death of the Queen on the 8th September.  The URC published a new hymn ‘We stand to mourn a sovereign’ by the Rev’d Dominic Grant, as well as a prayer and reflection for the occasion.  The Rev’d Dr. John Bradbury, General Secretary of the URC, said:

‘Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II lived the most remarkable life of dedicated Christian service’

‘As a devoted Anglican and Presbyterian her faith shone from her words and deeds.  Her contribution to the life of our nations, the Commonwealth, and beyond will be remembered with gratitude for generations to come.  She inspired respect from across the political spectrum and from monarchists and republicans alike.’

‘The URC has always been aware that as each General Assembly presents a loyal address to the throne, we have been addressing a fellow baptised sister in Christ.  We give thanks for her life and uphold in prayer all who mourn for her.  May she rest in peace and rise in glory.’

The URC, at its General Assembly in July, thanked the Queen for her steadfast and faithful service over 70 years.  The Assembly voiced appreciation for her duty, integrity and public service, and her witness to her Christian faith.


Looking  forward we have the following events over the next few months at Westbury Gardens

Sunday 2nd October at 10.30 am Harvest Service

At our Harvest service this year we are supporting Blackburn Foodbank.  Tinned and packet foods collected at the service and any money collected will be taken to the Blackburn Foodbank.  All donations gratefully received.

Sunday 16th October at 10.30 URC 50th Anniversary Service

A celebration service for the Lancashire East Missional Partnership at Westbury Gardens. The Rev’d Dr. John Bradbury, the General Secretary of the URC, will be preaching.  This special service will be followed by a lunch and then the planting of a commemorative tree to mark the occasion.

Saturday 26th November  10.30 am – Westbury Talks

Adam will be talking with Derek Estill about his time as General Assembly Moderator and his visit to Israel/Palestine.  This will be followed by lunch and a time to enjoy Christmas stalls – raffle, tombola etc.  The talk and lunch are free, donations welcome.

Monday  5th December   1.00 pm  – First Monday Group

1st Monday Group Christmas lunch at Huntleys, Whalley Road, Samlesbury.

All are welcome.  If you would like to come, please contact Margaret Estill 01254 852804

Friday  9th December  7.30 pm  – Blackburn People’s Choir


Blackburn People’s Choir Christmas Concert.  Tickets £5 including refreshments.  There will also be a raffle.  The programme will include Christmas songs and carols some of which we will be able to sing together and others which the choir will perform.

Thursday 15th December  7.00 pm Christmas Lantern Service

A Christmas Lantern Service led by Adam.  All are welcome to come along as we lead into Christmas enjoying hearing the Christmas story and singing Christmas Carols followed by a cup of coffee/tea and a mince pie.

Two dates to put in your diary one at Trinity and one at Revidge Fold

Saturday 22nd October at 2 pm – 3 pm. – Note! this is at Trinity URC Brownhill.

‘A Time to Mourn a Time to Dance’.  An uplifting dance show exploring the tensions between loss and joy performed by SPRINGS Dance Company.  Tickets are available from Derek.  It is free but because spaces are limited a ticket is needed.   Following the show there will be tea/coffee and cakes.

Saturday 3rd December Christmas Coffee morning Note!  This is at Revidge Fold URC

A Christmas coffee morning with bacon sandwiches, raffle, books and cake stalls.

Partnership Autumn Bible Study at Revidge Fold URC open to everyone

This Partnership Bible study is continuing at Revidge Fold URC starting at 7 pm each Wednesday. This will continue until the 23rd November.  The theme of the study is “The Holy Spirit in the New Testament”.

Everyone is welcome it’s not too late to join the group.

Floods in Pakistan and Ukraine Appeal

Pakistan Appeal

As you know we have been collecting money to send to DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) to send a little financial help to those affected by this national disaster in Pakistan.

Torrential monsoon rains have triggered the most severe flooding in Pakistan’s recent history, washing away villages and leaving families in need of assistance who are at increased risk of waterborne diseases, drowning and malnutrition.

As floodwaters slowly recede, the sheer scale of damage is being revealed. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed, while many public health facilities, water systems and schools have been destroyed or damaged. Young children are living out in the open with their families, with no drinking water, no food, and no livelihood, exposed to a wide range of new flood-related risks and hazards, including damaged buildings and drowning in floodwaters.

We have to date collected and sent £130 from our church which we hope will help in some small way.  We will be continuing to do more as we go forward and give thanks to everyone who has donated towards helping this terrible situation.

We are therefore holding Aftab and Fozia who have family in Pakistan in our thoughts and prayers as they too are suffering from and in danger of being affected by this tragic situation. We have sent a message to Aftab and Fozia, asking them to pass it on to their family and friends in Pakistan expressing that we are holding them close in our thoughts and prayers.


Ukraine Appeal

As reported in our last newsletter we have made donations via DEC to the Ukraine Appeal to help in some way in this horrendous situation and our donations to this cause have now reached £660. We are keeping them all in our thoughts and prayers. We give thanks to all who have made donations.

Commitment for Life

The project that we are supporting as part of our involvement with Commitment for Life is the project supporting Palestinians.  You will have seen in the news that the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continues as Israel intends to build more on the West Bank territories that are Palestinian’s land.  We as the United Reformed Church are committed to helping the Palestinians and speaking out against the conflict that is continuing and as you will see below there is an emerging crisis there because debt is strangling the poorest people in Palestine and Israel. Israel’s national debt is around US$208 billion which equates to 66% of GDP.

Palestine’s debt to GDP ratio has exceeded 63% – well over the 40% limit set in law. The Palestinian Authority’s ability to service that debt is hampered by the illegal occupation and oppression of its people. For both Israel and Palestine, there is an emerging debt crisis that will affect the poorest citizens enormously, brought about by a deeply problematic global financial and economic situation.

In fact, the global financial system defies belief. Take the British foreign aid budget. The majority goes not to poor people but to a colonial-era investment firm called CDC that invests in luxury hotels, malls, and restaurant chains. In the end, only 3% of this aid goes to suppliers in the global south, with over 90% being paid to British firms. “This is the real scandal,” says economist Jason Hickel. “Aid money is taken from the pockets of British taxpayers and sent straight into the already-gilded coffers of the British business elite. It’s a shameful abuse of our most compassionate impulse,” he concludes.

Together with Global Justice Now, Commitment for Life works to cancel the debt of highly exploited nations and it is good that we can support this in our small way. We are therefore, as a church, committed to supporting Palestinians in this very difficult and continuing conflict and are committed to doing that in any way we can by particularly remembering all those caught up in this difficult situation and pray that a peaceful resolution is found as soon as possible.

Ministry of Flowers

Donations towards flowers that are placed in church each Sunday are very welcome.  You may like to remember a loved one, mark a special birthday, or a special occasion, or simply donate towards the cost of buying flowers to help decorate our church, if so, please let Margaret know.  Thank you to Linda and Winston Collinge and family who gave a donation last month.


August – September 22

Dear Friends,

As I write this letter, I am approaching the first anniversary of my ordination and induction to serve the East Lancashire Missional Partnership, doesn’t time fly! I would like to thank everyone who came to the celebration at Woodlands URC, where we heard about the amazing experience of the Woodlands Cherry Tree Scout group Tall Ships residential. We also enjoyed a lot of nice cakes, thank you to everyone who provided and helped on the evening. If you missed out we will be doing a similar presentation at T@2 in September at Revidge Fold.

It is great to see the Partnership working and socialising together, we enjoyed a great day out at RHS Bridgewater suggested by Margaret at Kingsway, we have planned a partnership service for the URC 50th anniversary on 16th Oct suggested by Derek at Westbury Gardens and Springs Dance Group event suggested by Andrea at Trinity Brownhill on Saturday 22nd October. We also had a number of events for the Queens Jubilee across the partnership as well as other events planned for the Summer. From Clitheroe in the North where there are new stained glass windows being fitted and great work with the Food Bank and Refugee support to Tockholes in the south who celebrated their 360th anniversary there is certainly a lot going on.

I must not forget about the DARE food festival held at Central Darwen URC – What an amazing variety of food from across the world! If you see a DARE event advertised, you won’t want to miss it judging by this event. I am also looking forward to what Trinity Lower Darwen have in store for their next Muddy Church. We also say goodbye to Rev. Geoff Hayes at Great Harwood URC/Methodist – I would like to say a big thank you Geoff for your warm welcome and being part of our partnership and God’s blessing as you start your new ministry in Wales.

This is just a small snap shot of what’s happening across our partnership, please accept my apologies if I didn’t mention something happening that’s important to you. I hope this shows there is a lot of missional activities to get involved in.

Oh and do look out for the promotional music video coming soon by Barrow URC School – You may see a certain minister appear in it! It was a fun morning of filming that’s for sure. I won’t spoil it though!

Finally before I sign off, I would like to encourage you all to come along to the new partnership Bible Study starting Wednesday 14th September at Revidge Fold URC, weekly 7pm where I will be guiding us through the theme of “The Holy Spirit in the New Testament.”

Have a great Summer,

God Bless, Adam



To: All members and adherents of

United Reformed Churches and our Local Ecumenical Partnerships                

Dear Friends,

Is anyone back to normal?

After two years of pandemic and lockdown, and Covid still with us (thankfully, for most, in a much weaker form), we can now worship together in person and find fellowship again. But for most of us it is not simply a return to how it used to be; some people have not returned to church, some have died or become too frail, some churches have closed and others considering it.

Now we have significant European turmoil and its likely effect on fuel and food prices for us in the UK.

Thank God that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13 v.8). Whatever else changes, He is our rock, our cornerstone.

Financially, things were extremely tough for churches in 2021. Plate offerings had collapsed; some regular givers had to reduce or entirely stop giving to support God’s work; and those churches which hire out their premises had seen income from that source disappear. Even those churches where the majority of the giving was by standing order or bank transfer (if you have not considered regularising your giving in this way, please do – it helps your treasurer significantly) may have seen a 20%+ drop in income.

If this had been replicated in giving to the Ministry and Mission (M&M) Fund in 2021, we might have been faced with a serious financial crisis last year.

But no, through the generosity of individuals, churches and Synods, we can report that income only fell by 4.4%. With a similar reduction in expenditure the M&M Fund result was a deficit of only £80,000 (less than one-half of one percent of income), a deficit that can be comfortably covered by reserves.

So, thank you to all who continued to contribute to your local church, thank you to all those churches who met their commitment for 2021 in full, and thank you to all those who, in adversity, continued to treat the M&M Fund as the first priority and paid what they could.

With churches and individuals under financial pressure, 2022 is not going to be an easy year either. The M&M Fund budgeted income (based on Synods’ projections) will not be sufficient to cover expected costs and we are reconciled to dipping into our reserves more seriously as a result.

However, if we “ordinary Christians” are to fulfil the call of Jesus to be His witnesses in the world around us we need ministers and other workers “on the ground” and we need shared resources which are often best created centrally. That all comes from the M&M Fund.

Again, thank you all!

If you have any questions or comments arising from this letter, please speak to your church treasurer who has been provided with more detailed information. If they are not able to help directly then they can get in touch with the finance team at

Church House.

Yours in Christ,

Ian Hardie (Treasurer The United Reformed Church)

Vaughan Griffiths (Deputy The Treasurer United Reformed Church)



Church Open Day 11th June

The Open Day went very well with a good number of people attending from our local community both young and older.  The purpose of our Open Day was to get closer to people who live locally and who may not be familiar with the work that we do as a Church and the facilities that we have.  There were many activities and opportunities to do things and most importantly to meet and talk together with those who were able to be there.  The results of the questionnaire we asked to be filled in gave us the following responses:


Q How do you feel about the local area?

A   Overall, it has good and bad points. Good included local amenities and activities that can be enjoyed in Queens Park.      Bad included feeling deprived/depressed, worried about disturbances, damage to property, vandalism, fly tipping, rats, etc.


Q What is important to you about this area?

A   Keeping the area clean, having green spaces, better parking, safe places for children and things for them to do, opportunities to get involved i.e. community events held by Romney Voice that bring people together and the things that the church is trying to offer.

Q Concerns and issues?

A   Parking, abandoned vehicles, lack of police patrols, drug dealing, cost of living, rubbish, rats, fly tipping, overgrown grass areas.

Q Would free WiFi at church be of use?

A   It was felt that it was a good thing and has potential in terms of job seeking, useful to have when at church.


Q Is there anything you feel is unavailable/lacking locally which you would like to see the church and others help to provide or facilitate?

A  More things for children, regular clean ups and care for the area, more police patrols, more parking facilities, coffee shop or similar, Citizens Advice drop-in clinic, church to be a hub to discuss local issues and concerns.

It was also noted that the church works hard to be a resource for the area.


Q Is there anything you feel able to offer, perhaps a skill and/or some time to do things?

A  Happy to do things associated with gardening, helping children, cooking, and baking.


As you will see from the above there is a lot of information for us to work on in response to people’s answers to the questions we asked and it is recognised that it is important that our community quickly sees that we are responding to some, if not all, of the comments/ answers they have given.   One immediate response we have already taken is the opening of the ‘Place of Welcome’ sessions which provide a listening ear and a chance to enjoy a cuppa and a piece of cake every Monday morning from 11 am to 12.30 pm. Anybody can pop in for a chat, cup of tea, piece of cake etc., and find a listening ear. If you know of someone who you think would like to come, please do bring them along with you to enjoy a friendly easy-going time chatting and enjoying that cup of tea or coffee, and a cake!


A big thank you to all those who helped in any way to organise and run the Open Day which we feel was a very successful and important occasion for us as the local church as well as for our local community. We are now looking forward to finding ways to respond by working with and for all in the local community, so we become that Hub in our community referred to in the answers to our questionnaire where people naturally come to discuss local issues, for help, information and a loving response that is freely given.


Partnership Autumn Bible Study at Revidge Fold URC.

As you will already have seen in Adam’s letter, he is going to be leading a partnership Bible Study.  This will be an ‘in person’ gathering at Revidge Fold URC starting at 7 pm each Wednesday evening from the 14thSeptember through to the 23rd November.  The theme of the study will be “The Holy Spirit in the New Testament”.  We hope as many as possible will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you there.


Trip to the Holy Land October 2023.

Have you ever wished that you could visit the Holy Land to see the places where Jesus lived and worked with his disciples?  If so, now is your opportunity to join the trip that Adam is arranging?  Information about this trip is available from Adam and there are copies of the itinerary in the Foyer at Westbury Gardens. If you are interested to find out more or to book a place on the Trip please contact Adam.

Collecting for Charities

As a church we have been, and are continuing, to collect for the Ukraine Appeal, Blackburn Foodbank, Christian Aid Week, and the UNICEF Mite Scheme.  To date this year we have collected over £550 for the Ukraine Appeal, £180 for Blackburn Foodbank as well as lots of food, £40 for Christian Aid week and £37 for the UNICEF Mite scheme.  A big thank you to all who have already contributed to these very important causes. We are of course continuing to collect money, clothes etc., to help those in need so if you would like to find out more about how to do this, please contact Margaret.  For the Ukraine Appeal any money collected is being sent directly to DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee). Blackburn Foodbank welcome items of tins or packets of food as well as financial donations to help them buy items to give out, and we are continuing to collect small change to send to the UNICEF Mite scheme that uses the money donated to purchase oral rehydration sachets that help to keep children around the world healthy. So, if you can, please continue to support these charities.


Ministry of Flowers

Donations towards flowers that are placed in church each Sunday are very welcome.  You may like to remember a loved one, mark a special birthday, or a special occasion, or simply donate towards the cost of buying flowers to help decorate our church, if so please let Margaret know.  Thank you to Susan and Andrew Parkinson, Fozia Aftab and Aftab Mughal who gave donations last month.


Pet Service 14th July starting at 10.30am

We will again be holding a special service where all can bring our Pets to be blessed. This is a joint service for Revidge Fold, Trinity Brownhill and Westbury Gardens Churches which Mal and Lorraine will lead for us. It will be held outside if the weather is good. Please tell others who have pets that are connected to your church that they too are welcome to come.

A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance’ at Trinity Brownhill URC 22nd October

Trinity Brownhill URC invite you to a performance by the touring Springs Dance Group.  This will be based on Ecclesiastes 3 and there will be refreshments and time to chat.  Free – donations welcome.

More details to follow.


Free Summer Messy Church Holiday Club – 10th August 1.00 pm – 2.55 pm

Children between 5 and 11 years of age are welcome to come and take part in our Summer Messy Church Holiday Club when there will be fun, games and various activities to take part in and enjoy.  Light refreshments are included. To book a place please call 07971970803 as soon as you can.


 Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the United Reformed Church

North West Synods Celebration

On the 25th September at 2.30 pm

The North West Synod of the United Reformed Church is holding a special service to mark the 50th Anniversary of the United Reformed Church.  This will be held at the Victoria Hall Bolton, BL1 2AS.  Everyone is welcome to join in this celebration.


Lancashire East Missional Partnership Celebration

On the 16th October at 10.30 am 

This will take place at Westbury Gardens United Reformed Church and will be an opportunity for all the churches in the Lancashire East Missional Partnership* to come together to worship and celebrate this important occasion.  The service will be led by the Rev’d Dr.John Bradbury, General Secretary of the United Reformed Church, who we are delighted is making time in his busy diary to be with us on this special occasion.  This will be an opportunity for our Missional Partnership Churches to come together to celebrate the birth of the URC by worshiping God together, giving thanks for the URC and all that has and is being done in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to spread the love of God in our communities.  We are sure this will be a memorable occasion not to be missed. After worshiping together, we will share in a celebratory meal and then plant a tree.

We are looking forward to seeing as many of us as possible at this service so please make a special note in your diaries. We look forward to seeing you there!


*The churches of the Lancashire East Missional Partnership are:

Woodlands, Kingsway (Ragged School) Revidge Fold, Trinity Brownhill, Westbury Gardens, Darwen Central, Lower Darwen, Tockholes, Great Harwood Methodist/URC and Clitheroe




April – May 22

A letter from our Missional Partnership Minister

Dear Friends,

Since I started in ministry in Lancashire East in July 2021, I have been asking you how we are going to re-open after the pandemic, I have also been asking what are your priorities going forward. While I do feel we still need a vision for the Missional Partnership and how it should serve us all, I was surprised by how much is happening already across the partnership. In March we held an Elders Retreat where we shared the missional activities of each of the churches and I was pleasantly surprised by the pages worth of activities that were already happening.

There is so much also being planned, the relaunch of Lunch Clubs and messy Church groups for example as well as new Missional Partnership activities. Please do look out for our new mailing list and Facebook Group invites coming soon, so we can all keep up to date with activities to be involved in and things to pray for.

As a group of churches, I think we are covering so many areas of mission and ministry, if you are thinking of doing something new and not sure where to start, or you would like new ideas for a group your already running – the partnership is here to offer ideas and support, just ask your church rep to bring it to our next meeting, which are held every six weeks or so.

Now as we continue our journey for Easter, I hope and pray that God is guiding you on the journey and perhaps pointing you to new ideas to engage in your spiritual Journey. I am enjoying the Lent Course and I am looking forward to starting a new Zoom Partnership Bible Study after Easter. While we have lots of missional activities happening, we also have lots of discipleship taking place and if you would like to explore ways to engage with God deeper or are exploring a possible call to ministry, lay preaching, Eldership or other call, perhaps now would be a great time to speak to an Elder or Minister and see where God leads.

Have a great Easter and I pray you will be blessed in all that is happening,

God Bless,

Adam Woodhouse


News of our Church Family

Unfortunately, several of our members are not well and are continuing to find life difficult and we are therefore holding them all in our thoughts and prayers.


Good News!

We are going to restart the Messy Church sessions at both Shadsworth Infant and Shadsworth Junior schools.  The Infant school session will take place after Easter and the Junior school one will start at the end of June.  In addition, we are going to run a one session afternoon Holiday Club during the school Easter holidays.


The Ukraine Crisis

We are all aware of the tragic situation developing in Ukraine where many families are in severe danger from the attacks on their lives and country and many are leaving there for safer places to live. We are therefore collecting both money and goods to help those who are in need because of this terrible situation and give thanks to all those who have donated money and/or clothes and to those who will continue to donate both money and clothing etc to meet this urgent need.  To date we have sent to DEC over £200 and are collecting and deliver clothing and food to the Ukraine crisis collection points in Preston.  We hold all those caught up in this terrible situation in our thoughts and prayers.


Burnley and Nelson URC

It is with sadness and regrets that we report that the Burnley and Nelson United Reformed Church has recently closed after serving the area as an active Christian presence for over 200 years in so many ways.  The church members can be very proud of the good Christian presence and work they have maintained so faithfully which has been an important part in many people’s lives and is now an active legacy that all those memories provide and so we say to them all ‘’well done good and faithful servants’’ your work is done.


Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP)

Who are we? We are eight URC churches, two Local Ecumenical Partnerships [LEPS] with the Methodists and a URC Primary School in Barrow near Clitheroe

IE Trinity Brownhill, Revidge Fold, Westbury Gardens, Woodlands, Kingsway. Clitheroe. Darwen Central, Tockholes, Lower Darwen & Great Harwood Local Ecumenical Partnerships with the Methodists, and Barrow URC Primary school. The Rev Adam Woodhouse is a LEMP Minister working with all LEMP churches. It is hoped that another LEMP Minister will be appointed shortly. Mal Breeze, who is a Church Related Community Work minister works with 3 of the Blackburn Churches as well as the Synod and Pastor Alan Barnes serves the Woodlands and Kingsway Churches.

A Steering Group meets regularly to ‘steer’ the work of the LEMP comprised of a member from each of the LEMP Churches, the CRCW and a Synod Mission Mentor. They exchange ideas and discuss the progress of mission in East Lancashire. As time passes and with a new Minister to be appointed, we will be more aware of how we can help and encourage each other. A good example was the recent Elders Retreat Day – see Elaine Smith’s report below entitled ‘A Treat of a Retreat’.

A Treat of a Retreat – East Lancashire Missional Partnership

Saturday 5th March was a lovely spring day and 50 Elders from the 10 churches in Lancashire East Missional Partnership (LEMP) made their way to Barrow URC Primary School, near Clitheroe in the beautiful Ribble Valley. The school is one of the very few URC schools in England and has recently had a total renovation and extension from its previous Victorian building. Its light airy hall was perfect for our Elders’ Retreat Day.


There was a definite excited buzz as Rev Adam Woodhouse, our newest minister to join the LEMP team, welcomed us. It was a joy for us all to meet face-to-face after almost 2 years of merely seeing each other on the screens of our laptops or phones. All hail Zoom – but it’s so much better to meet in person! Our new Missional Partnership Steering Group Convenor, Rev Mike Aspinall also joined us for the first time in the flesh.

Rev Dr Rob Hoch led us in worship and proceeded to engage us in stories from his homeland of the USA and of his time ministering in the UK. Rob’s tales highlighted the fact that for many people in the modern world, us ‘church-goers’ are viewed as belonging to an ‘alternative society’. Rob demonstrated that the work carried out by ourselves in our church buildings and in our wider communities proves that God is already with those with whom we meet and engage in our various ventures. Those people sometimes just need a bit of encouragement from us to realise that God is all around them – and us – all the time. Rob’s message gave us a genuine feeling of hope.

The power of different coloured lollipop sticks seamlessly helped to sort us into groups where we each engaged with Elders from the other churches. Rev Daleen ten Cate continued the theme of hopefulness in encouraging us to discuss into which of 5 Marks of Mission we would place our church activities. From our extensive list of activities were we telling others, teaching others, tending to others, transforming others’ lives or treasuring God’s creation? Activities such as mums & tots groups, uniformed groups, foodbanks, charity shops, Fair Trade stalls, art & craft clubs, refugee & asylum seekers support groups, lunch clubs, dementia-friendly cafes, debt advice groups, mosque/church twinning and many more activities highlighted that, within our churches across the Missional Partnership, we cater for a wide spectrum of ages and serve people from a huge range of backgrounds and circumstances. Telling, teaching, tending, transforming and treasuring are woven into God’s mission and we learnt to see where God is already at work and how best we can further this ‘Missio Dei’.

The afternoon session was spent experiencing a calm meditation, helping us to learn how to unclutter our minds and take time to think clearly. We were then encouraged to enjoy taking a walk outside around the environs of the school and through the little village of Barrow, feasting our eyes on God’s beautiful creations – signs of spring and the surrounding hills, the biggest and boldest being Pendle Hill. For the people who weren’t able to go for a walk there were indoor interactive prayer stations available.

We ended our time together with closing worship, led by Pastor Alan Barnes, followed by Communion given by Adam. Our Elders’ Retreat was aptly summed up as being one of joyfulness, hopefulness and positivity. It was so refreshing to come away with those feelings instead of constantly beating ourselves up about the things we haven’t got around to doing at our churches or moaning about the lack of young people in our current ever-shrinking congregations. Collectively, we are all reaching out to so many people on a weekly basis across our Missional Partnerships and we need to feel proud. There’s much hope for the future.

Elaine Smith, Revidge Fold URC, Blackburn.


Barrow United Reformed Church Primary School marks URC’s 50th Anniversary

The children of Barrow Primary school had a great day on the 1st April celebrating and marking the 50th Anniversary of the URC. The children, their families, friends, some members of the URC, the Rev’d Adam Woodhouse, the Rev’d Daleen ten Cate plus others from the URC National Church along with the school’s Headteacher and staff members gathered in the school, sang songs, heard about the URC’s history and then planted 50 trees in the school grounds to mark the URC’s 50th Anniversary.  It was a fine sunny day, and everyone enjoyed this wonderful and memorable occasion.  This was a great day for all and particularly for the children who will remember this throughout their lives and makes it clear that the school is an integral part of the United Reformed Church which we are all very proud of.  Not only does this mark the anniversary of our church but also makes a strong statement about how important it is to embed our eco thinking in all that we do which will help to protect and save God’s precious world.

KAIROS HOUSING grand opening day

Kairos Housing is a Christian organisation who help and support people of all faiths or none.  Our Managing Committee is made up of Christians from a variety of churches (United Reformed, Methodist and Community Blackburn Church) and church traditions across Blackburn with Darwen.  We house Asylum Seekers and Refugees who have faced persecution in their home country for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or

membership of a particular social group.  The Asylum Seekers we house are homeless and destitute, with no source of income and no entitlement to benefits.  We provide them with free, safe and secure housing, a small weekly support payment and other support of donations in kind towards essential living supplies.


We provide safe accommodation and holistic support to refused asylum seekers and refugees who find themselves homeless within Blackburn with Darwen.  We have four, 2-bedroom, fully furnished, shared flats in Blackburn town centre.  All the accommodation we provide, including the Kairos Hub, has been generously donated for us to use, free of charge.  We received donations of furniture and household goods. Volunteers donate their time to make everything happen behind the scenes.  Our running costs are met by generous donations from individuals and grant funders.

We believe in:

SANCTUARY – Refugees and Asylum Seekers need a safe and secure place to live with provision for their basic needs.


BELONGING – Refugees and Asylum Seekers need community, a place to belong.


JUSTICE – Refugees and Asylum Seekers deserve justice and equality. We support Asylum Seekers while they submit fresh legal cases.


Kairos Housing began in the summer of 2020 with one guest, a generous landlord and a handful of volunteers.   During 2021 Kairos Housing provided 765 nights of accommodation to 7 individuals from 5 nations in 3 flats with 1 part time support worker.  During 2022 have taken on and renovated one more two-bedroom flat and this year we want to provide over 1000 nights of accommodation and support to Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Blackburn with Darwen.  We are working to achieve charitable status and appoint trustees.  We are also hoping to employ a second individual to work on administration and grant funding applications.  In March 2022 we opened the Kairos Hub and we now want to establish that as a place where guests can connect with their support worker and each other.

Please visit our website if you would like to find our more, book a speaker or make a donation:


Westbury Gardens Art and Craft Group

Westbury Gardens Arts and Crafts group meet every Monday morning from 10.30 – 12.30. There is a good social atmosphere that welcomes everyone from all backgrounds whatever their race, religion, age, gender, disability, or artistic ability.

Learning and using all types of artistic expression in different mediums such as painting, sketching, Papier Mache, knitting, crochet and embroidery.  The group is led by Mr Gordon Mellody, a well know artist, who leads the group and runs tutorials in artistic expression.

The group holds public exhibitions and during the month of April is showing its work in Blackburn Central library. The exhibition has a connection with the Queen’s Jubilee and St George’s Day.

The group has worked flexibly throughout the pandemic. When the group was not able to meet in person, they met online using Zoom with Gordon giving online tutorials for those who were able to join in using Zoom. They have also held ‘open air’ socially distanced workshops in Gordon’s Garden.

All are welcome, if you would like to find out more contact Margaret Estill (01254 852804) or visit the group on Monday morning 10.30am at Westbury Gardens Church.

You are invited to visit

Westbury Art and Craft Group

Open Exhibition of

Art and Craft

at Blackburn Central Library

Town Hall Street


Exhibition will be on display in the library for the whole of April